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<br /> ...... - ~~. <br /> , . - <br /> V. Neighborhood Meeting, Spencer Butte Jr High - Letter of invi tation was noted from <br /> Charles Dallas, president of the Spencer Butte Improvement Association, to a <br /> ,neighborhood meeting at which County plans to improve Fox Hollow Road will be dis- <br /> cussed. The meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on January 10, 1973 at the Spencer I <br />., 'Butte Junior High School. The Association feels the improvement will have a signif- \ Comm <br /> icant effect upOn planning and development in the South Eugene area and for this 12/6/72 <br /> _!e,a~on YL€.Y w.e::~_ _e!lcouraging ,~~t~Tl.~~~e._ 9.!__c.?,!-ncil and ~laJJniI?9 CommissiO!}, membe1.'!?,._ File <br /> W. ;Transit System/Downtown Parking - Councilman Hershner previously inquired about the <br /> 'effect of free bus rides offered by the Transit System the day after Thanksgiving Comm <br /> on parking demands downtown. Manager reported that the busses were overcrowded 12/6/72 <br /> :at times, but the Overpark use was still 16% higher than the same day last year. File <br /> - <br /> X. j Return Codes, Studies - Retiring councilmen were requested to return copies of Codes, Comm <br /> studies, and reports to the Manager's office. '12/6/72 <br /> I File <br /> Y. Human Rights Day - Ruth Carson, chairman of the Committee on International Co- <br /> operation, called attention to Human Rights Day, December 10. She said that on that i <br /> : day in 1948 a declaration of human rights was adopted by the United Nations, the <br /> : basic purpose being to pxovide an agreed upon list of human rights and freedoms, <br /> 'including traditional rights and the modern and economic rights. She asked the i <br /> ,Council's participation and co-oPeration in bringing it to the public's attention. I <br /> , <br /> : Bob Edwards, chairman of the Human Rights Commission, said it is hoped next year, <br /> in co-operation with the International Committee, to prepare an informational program <br /> : for the schools, churches, and other institutions to recognize Human Rights Day. <br /> i I <br /> f Comm <br />e (Mayor Anderson suggested it would be, a good program for the City to sponsor if a <br /> ijoint committee of the Human Rights COnmUssion and International Co-o~ration Com- ]2/6/72 <br /> 'Rdttee would plan an observance siRdlar to the United Nations Day observance. File <br /> Z. 'Council Orientation Session - Mrs. Bea1 asked if there would be an opportunity for I <br /> discussion of items on the workshop agenda which were not considered. Mayor Anderson Comm <br /> I suggested meeting prior to the conmU ttee meeting on December 20, but because of some i12/6/72 <br /> conflicts of dates it was a~re~d a time would be set lat~r. File <br /> , - -. --.-.-....-.- ..~. <br /> AA. Revenue Sharing - Manager said recommendations on uses of funds from revenue shar- Corrun <br /> ing will be mailed to Council members soon. 12/6/72 <br /> File. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Teague to approve, affirm, and' file as noted Items A <br /> through AA, including approval of Dr. Johnston's appointment to the Budget Committee, added <br /> liquor license applications, and corrections to minutes of November 6, 1972. Rollcall vote. <br /> All councilmen ~esent voting aye, motion carried. <br /> III - Ordinances <br /> Council Bill No. 142 - Construction of storm sewer 550 feet north of Willhi Street from <br /> Echo Hollow Road to Belt Line Road was submitted and read the first time by council bill number <br />e.- and title only, there being no councilman present requesting that it be read in full. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Teague that the bill be read the second time by council bill <br /> number only, with unanimous consent of the Council, and that enactment be considered at this <br /> time. Motion carried unanimously and the bill was read the second time by council bill number <br /> only. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Teague that the bill be approved and given final passage. Rollcall <br /> vote. All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was declared passed and numbered 16668. <br /> Council Bill No. 143 - Adopting plans and specifications for construction of storm sewer <br /> 550 feet north of Willhi Street from Echo Hollow Road to Belt Line Road was submitted and read <br /> the first time by council bill number and title only, there being no councilman present request- <br /> ing that it be read in full. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Teague that the bill be read the second time by council bill <br /> number only, with unanimous consent of the Council, and that enactment be considered at this time. <br /> Motion carried unanimously and the bill was read the second time by council bill number only. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded:'by Mr. Teague that the bill be approved and given final ,passage. Rollcall <br /> vote. All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was declared passed and numbered 16669. <br />. Council Bill No. 144 - Calling hearing January 22, 1973 re: Vacation of easement east of <br />- Augusta Street between 20th and 28th (Weaver) was submitted and read the first time by council <br /> bill number and title only, there being no councilman present requesting that it be read in full. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Teague that the bill be read the second time by council bill <br /> number only, with unanimous consent of the Council, and that enactment be considered at this time. <br /> Motion carried unanimously and the bill was read the second time by council bill number only. <br /> 3lai /' /' <br /> \\ 12(11/72 -,l-l <br />