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<br />p.,Labor Relations Advisory Commission - Mrs. Beal asked when the'resolution creat- <br />ing a Labor Relations Advisory Commission, presented by the Lane County Labor Comm <br />Council, would be discussed. Mayor Anderson said he had asked that it be sched- <br />uled soon. Manager said a written memorandum would be mailed to Coun~i1 members 12/6/72 <br />aI?d the matter scheduled probably for, the December 13 committee meeting. Affirm . <br />Q. Resignation, Ralph Cobb, Budget Conimittee - Letter was "received from Mr. Cobb <br />resigning fxom tIe Budget Committee. Manager noted that the terms of Ronald Boehi Comm <br />and Stanley Vance will expire at the end of this year. He said Councilman Hersh- <br />;ner has nominated Mr. Boehi for reappointment. Councilman Williams said he would 11/29/72 <br />present a nomination at a later date. File <br /> . - ,_. <,..,. --.-.,. <,I.~ _,..~ <br />R. ; Appointments, Boards and Coritmissions - Mayor Anderson reminded Council members of Comm <br />:appointments and reappointments to be made soon on various Boards and Commissions. 12/6/72 <br />He asked that suggestions be submitted no later than Wednesday, December 13. File <br />S. Appointments, Natural Resources Advisory Committee - Mayor Anderson asked for sug- <br />gestions for appointments to fill two City vacancies on the Natural Resources Ad- Comm <br />visory Committee. He said he would appreciate having any names to be submitted 12/6/72 <br />as soon as possible because of the work in progress' in keeping the 1990 Plan to date. File <br />T. ,Environmental Impact Study ColnriiiFtee, -:Illghway 126 -- Mrs; . Bea1 -woTulered when ap- I <br />;pointment of the local environmentalimpa,ct study committee on Highway 126 routing <br />'would be made. Mayor Anderson said it is still awaiting 'appointment of the State <br />team. Manager said Robert Royer, State Highway Department planning director, . <br />'- <br />,indicated the State disciplines would be known shortly. As soon as they are <br />known the City will ,be notified, then appointment of the local team can proceed. <br /> , <br />Mrs. Beal said it is the thinking of the Planning commission that the local team, -- .."-- <br />being volunteer, should probably be appointed ahead of the State team in order <br />~to be organized and have materials with which to work. She said this w.ou1d en- I <br />: able them to stay abreast of the State study which will probably be done by pro- I <br />' fessional people wi th staff help. <br />Mayor Anderson replied that he would still prefer to wait until State disciplines " <br />are named before appointing the local people, then the two groups can work to- <br />gether. He said if the Council feels there is dire urgency, he would have no <br />!objection to submdtting recommendations for a team. However, even though it is a <br />I State project, the City holds control on approval until it is satisfied the en- <br />,vironmental study has been weighed and discussed. He said he has recei ved severa] <br />:suggestions for appointees and has some names in mind, but before making a public, <br />'announcement he would rather see what the State is going to do. <br />Mrs. Bea1 suggested asking the Planning commission for some indication of when <br />they feel the committee should be appointed. Manager said he is not aware of any <br />quarrel on the part of the Planning commission with the anticipated procedure. <br />Mr. Royer is aware of the intended working relationships between the State and <br />local groups and doesn't anticipate any problem in developing a method of pro- '. <br />cedure between them which will allow them to work in a co-ordinated fashion. It <br />would appear to be a waste of time were each team to start separately without co- <br />ordination before the people who will actually do the work can get together to I <br />assess the problems and objectives. It was understood he would check with the <br />Planning Commission, however, on their opinion. <br />'Councilman Mohr said a problem to consider at this point which did not exist at <br />the time of prior discussions about the impact study commdttee is the Charter <br />amendment requiring a vote on any arterial construction. He would be reluctant <br />to see a committee appointed to achieve a goal which is in doubt until it has <br />been voted upon. Mayor Anderson said this might be pointed out to the Planning <br />commission at the time their thinking is sought. Comm <br />!Mrs. Beal agreed but thought if a committee were appointed it would be helpful 12/6/72 <br /> File <br />in disseminating information about the project and in gaining approval from I, <br /> 1 <br />the voters. <br />U.j?,eporT;'7iLc-ccmgress of Cities - Mrs.caii,pb'el1"reported on 'the Congress of cities <br />she attended in Indianapolis recently. She said the most exciting event was <br />formation of a Women's Caucus. She read a resolution by the Caucus which was <br />presented to and adopted by the convention delegates. She noted a "first" for <br />the convention was the election of a black as first vice president - Thomas . <br />Bradley, Los Angeles councilman. He will be president of the League in 1974. <br />Of importance, she felt, was discussion relating to merger of county and city <br />igovernments, one instance being that accomplished in Minneapolis*by act of the ~'~ <br />'legislature. She thought there may be consideration of this type merger occurring <br />jin the Portland/Mu1tnomah County area. Other discussions she mentioned were on ComID <br />'environmental advisory commissions, costs of public programs, percentage of low- 1 12/6/72 <br />!cost housing in relation to total housing construction. A copy of the National / <br />;Municipal Policy adopted by the League was also noted. ) File <br /> ~ * Corrected to read Indianapolis <br />,,~ <br /> ~~~' 12(11/72 - 10 <br />