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<br /> C~uncilman Williams, member of the Joint Housing Committee, said the ,Committee has <br /> d~scussed whether t~e Housing Authority might request permission to use allocated <br /> funds over fewer un~ ts, but the proposal to shift uni ts has not been discussed. I <br /> , <br /> I <br />. 'i Mr. ~ohr moved ~econded by Mrs. Bea1 to refer the proposal to the Joint Housing I Comm <br /> , COlllllU ttee. Mot~on carried unanimously. 12/6/72 <br /> I. Segr~gation ~f A~sessmen:s, Eugene Renewal Agency - Against pxoperty at 11th and Oak. I Approve <br /> Deta~ls on f~le ~n the F~nance Department. <br /> Comm <br /> Mr. l-!ohr moved seconded by Mr. Williams to appxove the segregation. Motion carried 12/6/72 <br /> , '!,na!:lImously. __ , ~ -..'---"..r..,............___.__ ___._ ____,.__. Approve <br /> - ,=,,"-- ---,,--..,-- -..-.,~-.-..~ <br /> J. Budget Commi ttee Appointment - Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams to re- Comm <br /> appoint Ron Boehi as a member of the Budget Committee for the term ending 12/6/72 <br /> December 31, 1975. Motion carried unanimously. Approve <br /> I Councilman Williams recommended appointment of Dr. Hugh John$ton as a member of the <br /> Budget Committee for the three-year term ending December 31,\1975, replacing Stanley <br /> Vance. ' <br /> K. Liquor License, Cracker Barrel Tavern, 211 Washington Street - Change of owner- <br /> ship for RMBC license requested by Thomas and June Boone (T.J.B. Inc.) . Formerly <br /> Clarence and Maxine Dunshee. <br />.' Comm <br /> Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mr. Williams to recommend approval. Motion ,carried 12/6/72 <br /> unanimously. Approve <br /> - ~ <br /> Manager nofed addi~ion of two liquor license applications to the consent calendar. <br /> I Spigot Tavern, 28~1 Willamette St- Greater Privilege - RMBA to RMBC <br /> Pizan's, 1225 Alder Street - RMBB to RMBA <br /> L. Bids, Amazon Bike Trail - Bicycle Committee recommended rejecting bids for <br /> concrete construction of bike trail from 15th and Jefferson to 16th and <br /> Friendly and rebid for asphalt construction (Public Works Bid Opening - <br /> November 7,1972). <br /> Comm <br /> Mrs. Bea1 moved seconded by Mr. Williams to approve the recommendation. Motion 12/6/72 <br /> carried.unanimously. Approve <br /> M. Council Minutes, November 6, 1972 - As circulated <br /> Mrs. Beal asked correction of minutes to show her voting"ay~" rather ,thaIl, "no" on <br /> referring the matter of rezoning the southwest corner of Coburg Road and Cal Young Road <br /> to a joint session of the Planning Commission and Council. Minutes were also corrected Approve <br />. to show Councilman Teague voting "aye" instead of abstaining on the same issue. <br /> Councilwoman Campbell asked correction of Decembe~ 6 committee minutes to show county/ <br /> city merger effected by tlE legislature in Indianapolis rather than in Minneapolis. <br /> (See Item U below.) <br /> N. Urban Renewal Discussion - Councilmen Mohr and Williams asked that time be <br /> scheduled on commdttee agenda for presentation of a written statement of the kinds: <br /> of concerns they have 'on urban renewal.' Mahager wondered if it would be appro- <br /> 'priate to invite people from the Eugene Renewal Agency to be present, or notifica- <br /> tion of the meeting for informational purposes only. Mr. Mohr and Mr. Williams <br /> stated the purpose was to present their thinking for consideration by the C~uncil i Comm <br /> I and to gi ve other Council members an opportuni ty for response and to determine 11/29/72 <br /> whether they had questions they wished to include for the Renewal Agency to ad- Affirm <br /> dress itself to. ~....-.-- '-.._~.---~ ---.- ..-.---......- _..-._~ ---.- .-.--- . -(-.-.. -- . ---'---'.---'-~"'.'~ - ~--"'-'---~- <br /> . ",.'" , -- <br /> O. 'Bikes on Sidewalks - Mrs.) Bea1 presented a letter she had received from Mrs.Icme <br /> Pierron, 1360 Ferry Street, in which it was suggested that sidewalks on one side <br /> of the streets be designated for bikes, the other side for pedestrians, that is, Comm <br /> perhaps the south and east sides for bikes, the north and west sides for pedes- 12/6/72 <br /> ,trians. It was understood the letter would be referred to the Bicycle Committee Affirm <br /> for respoIlse to Mrs. Pierron with copy to. Mrs ~ B~al. -+'-" -- - --..., <br />tJ:' Councilwoman Campbell asked for a written r~port on the use ,of sidewalks for bicycle riding, <br /> including a report on alteration of cur os to allow access to and from the street level. <br />- Manage~ said the staff is not ready at this point to make a report. The Bicycle Committee <br /> has been reviewing such use in light of legalities regarding riding bicycles on sidewalks - <br /> the~e is incompatibility with State law, and staff is now working on an ordinance to control <br /> bicycle ~iding on both streets and sidewalks. Also, work is in progress on alternative <br /> designs for ramps, traffic safety problems, etc. He said the matter is not being ignored, <br /> it is a case of not having all information together for making a report. <br /> ,I 3"2- 12/11/72 - 9 <br />