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<br />five opinion about the need for <br />!could be assured that spokesmen <br />ct.'?!' th~ Jl~.ig hl:x?:r:.t!oo.Q.._,grC?,yps",-_ ___ <br /> <br />monitoring process so that the Council in the future <br />appearing before the Council would be valid spokesmen <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />JManager called attention to the requir~d $5.00 annual dues payment for membership <br />lin the Oak Hills organization. Staff recommended de~letion of mandatory dues pay- <br />iment because it could mean people who might want to belong and participate could <br />inot do so because of the inabili ty to pay the fee. Al though the ci ty has no <br />:authority to tell any group that dues cannot be collected, it can make decisions <br />;as to whether an organization meets Council standards for recognition as representa- , <br />:tive of a neighborhood matters.. Other than this exception, the four organiza- \ <br />itions proceeded 'properly to this point in seeking recognition as neighborhood <br />!organi zations. <br /> <br />!Councilman Wood questioned inclusion in the Oak Hills title the word" homeowners," <br />!saying it might tend to suggest restriction on membership to those owning homes <br />tin the neighborhood. Manager noted that Section 1 of Article IV provided that <br />~membership was open to owners and tenants' of properties wi thin the defined area, <br />Jand staff felt so long as that provision was included there would be no problem. <br />lRandi Reinhard, planning, added that there were no questions raised about the <br />~rganization's title because of the membership qualifications and perhaps because <br />iwith one exception there were no tenants in the Oak Hills area. Councilman Murray <br />!felt that although it was a minor issue because of the nature of the Oak Hills area <br />'jdeletion of the term " homeowners!' would be more in keeping wi th policies and charters <br />of neighborhood groups. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Cordelia Ruddy, 3614 Agate, Street, member of the Oak Hills group, explained that the <br />rame was adopted because the area covered by the organization was only the Oak Hills <br />~ubdivision and additions, and it did not occur to them there would be any Objection <br />to the name chosen. She didn't believe there would be any problem with deletion <br />'pf the word "homeowners" so that the group would be known as the Oak Hills Association.' <br />I <br />I <br />pouncilman Keller expressed co.~cern about what represented a quorum in meetings of I <br />:the neighborhood organizations. He noted that in some instances ten members con- <br />ptituted a quorum, in others 25. He thought it important that adequate represe~ta- <br />;~ion of neighborhoods was present at meetings in which action was taken to bring <br />:.t!ol! statements to the~ Council. Mayor Anderson agreed that adequate repre!?entation i <br />,would be an issue l.n pohcy matters so far' as' the 'Couhc~l was:conr:::erned. ile fel t ,'-, <br />;though there would be no problem with the way the charters were written since the re- <br />:quirements for quorums set forth would mer~ly allow the organizations to conduct <br />!business in an orderly fashion. In matters coming before the Council, he said, if <br />it appeared there was not sufficient public support then the Council had the re- <br />isponsibility to seek it. Councilman Murray related some of the background on the <br />lissue of quorums. He said that in hearings before t;he Planning Commission when <br />:neighborhood organization policy was adopted the question of quorums was expressly <br />:omitted in recognition' of the advis~ry nature of the groups. It was felt the Plan- <br />ning Commission could weigh the breadth of representation on issues coming before <br />(them. To this point, Mr. Murray said, there had been no problems; when major issues <br />)were faced the groups made effort to broaden the base of those attending meetings <br />.through surveys, notices, etc. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />!Councilwoman Beal asked whether a double vote would be involved in the event both a <br />ihomeowner and his tenant were members of an organization. Manager noted the member- <br />~ship list -made up for each organization and said that the general, theme of the f <br />:charters was -.that anyone in a.ttendance at meetings would have a r~ght to vote. That . <br />!would presume that hUSband/wife, ~wner/tenant, etc., each would have the vote! <br /> <br />. i <br />;Councilwoman Campbell raised the question of membership of people living outs~de the I <br />city limits, referring to the boundaries of the Crest Drive group. Mrs. Reinhard <br />;answered that there had been no discussion on that point in the organizations' meet;- <br />:ings because of the feeling that the bulk of the members and majori ty of support <br />:came from those lilho did live inside the city. She added however that the question <br />1would have to be addressed in time because of the number of cal,ls received from <br />;residents outside the city wishing to become affiliated with Eugene neighborhood' <br />~roups. Manager compared the situation to membership on the Planning Commission <br />iwhich permits two members from outside the city, recognizing their interests in the <br />:city even though their residences were in the county. He said however the question <br />of neighborhoods entirely outside the city becoming affiliated with city groups <br />i10uld take some consideration because of staff and budgetary assistance. <br /> <br />i <br />i <br />.1 <br /> <br />j <br /> <br />I <br />1 <br />'Discussion turned to membership dues required by the Oak Hills group. Mrs. Ruddy , _I' <br />faid it was understood"in the organization that voting privileges would not be denied <br />~ecause of nonpayment of dues. Dues were initiated, she said, to provide rent for a I <br />meeting place, postage, clerical work, etc., and whenever discussed in meetings were <br />~etained by membership vote. She noted that the group no longer paid rent, meeting <br />~n a city facility, and said she was sure that the organization would r~ther h~V~ <br />,their charter. accepted than continue to insis~ on_~y~ent of dues. <br />'5/20/74 - i5 <br /> <br />~- <br /> <br />\~~ <br />