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<br />In answer to Councilman McDonald, Manager explained that the Budget Committee <br />appropriated funds in the 1973-74 budget to the planning department to assist neigh-l <br />borhood groups with organization and administrative costs. That assistance covered " <br />,such things as secretarial help, printing newsletters, postage for notices, et,c. i <br />I <br /> <br />'Co~ncilwoman Campbell asked how an organization would proceed in the event it; re- <br />qu~red legal aid in a zoning issue - how would an attorney's fees be met M I <br />"d "," . anager, <br />~a~ ~e d~dn t th~nk the Counc~l was in position to tell a neighborhood organization <br />that ~t shou~d not have mo~ey available for that type of activity. The question <br />was whether ~t w~s appropr~ate to require a fee as a condition of membership. He <br />suggested reword~nq of Art~cle IX, Section 2, to delete the provision for ma'ndatory <br />payment of dues. There would be nothing to prevent collection of funds on a <br />voluntary basis or through fund raising events. <br /> <br />Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mr. Williams that the Council accept and <br />apfrove,the charters of the four organizations (Crest Drive, South <br />un~vers~t~, Westside Quality, Oak Hills) with the understanding that <br />the Oak H~lls charter would be amended to eliminate the word "homeowners" <br />from ,the ~itle and to elimin~te reference to mandatory payment of dues <br />(Art~cle IX, Sections 2 and::3J..'MQtion,carried unanimosul'y--".--- ~ <br /> <br />Charter, Active,Bethel CiEizeiiS"- Cop'ies- were" previou~ly distribut;ed to Coundl'~','" <br />Manager recognized the ABC neighborhood group as t;he most active over a longer , <br />period of t;ime, working wi thout; formal recognition for a great deal of input and. <br />,in~lvement in Planning commission concerns. He called attention to' provisions <br />'in the charter which could cause concern in view of the att;empt to develop 'criteria: <br />to assure the Council over the years that these neighborhood groups were formed in ' <br />'a manner to give full opportunity for represent;ation. Also, from time to time to <br />give t;he opportunity t;o determine whether democratic represent;ative process was <br />.~cont;inuing. One was the limitation of membership to residents of the area. In <br />'operat;iC?n, property owners or tenant;s of commercial properties-who do not live in <br />t;he area are not precluded from participation but; they are not; given voting <br />privileges., Secondly, there is no requirement for a quorum to conduct; business. <br />lAI though it is not; a problem now, there seems to' .be the potential for problems in <br />the future.. A t;hird provision allows raising of funds wit;hout indication of how <br />:it occurs or what e~fect failure to'contribute would have on one's membership. <br /> <br />Comm <br />H 5/8/74 .' <br />Approve <br />(Alse{ 9~e <br />, action <br />next page) I <br /> <br />, <br />~. \ <br /> <br />Eric Haws, speaking for the ABC; explained that a treasurer was provided. for in <br />jthe original chart~r of the group, although one has never been elected nor have any <br />~unds been accumulated. He said'itwas never contemplated to raise money, and the <br />~roup would probably be willing to reword that; particular section. with regard to <br />~equiring a quorum, Mr. Haws said there had been no problem except; ininst;ances of <br />administrative hangups with ,mailing of notices or .occasionally because of bad <br />weat;her~ with regard to voting privileges for people living outside the area, he. <br />,said this issue had been debated several times. It was the feeling of most of_ <br />~the people attending' those meetings that if persons were not; concerned enough with <br />:the' area t;o live there they should' not be allowed t;o vote on issues concerning t;he <br />:neighborhood. Mr. Haws said the group does welcome a t; t;enda nee of business people <br />br anyone else living outside the area at t;he meetings but askedth~ Council to <br />consider voting regulations comp?irable to t;hose requiring residency for voting on <br />:7~~~e: "~~. ~~ s,t;8:~..9.! ci ~.~~ <br /> <br />!Discussion tu;ned'to ~uidelines set out in the neighborhood organization policy <br />!adopted by the city and conformance of the charter thereto. It was noted there <br />!were no limitations in the'polic~ with regard to membership or quorum. <br /> <br />!councilman Keller asked about r~sponse from commercial entities ~n the area. "Mr.Haws <br />;replied that in initial meetings of the ABC group it was agreed not to exclude anyone' <br />;wanting to attend so long as residents of the area had control of the organization. <br />iHe ~aid industrial and commercial establishments had been sent lett;ers with regard <br />!to the organization a~ only two of several hundred responded. <br />r <br />iMayor Anderson expressed concern about the lack of requirement for a quorum to <br />lconduct Dusiness. He felt assurance of a certain degree of participation would be <br />iof benefi t to the group and would offer protection to the neighborhood organizat;ion . .' <br />j~tself so far as creditabilit;y of action taken if it was spelled out in the charter. . <br />;Mr. Haws said the question of requiring a quorum could be brought to the next ABC <br />\meeting and asked for suggestion as to a suitable number. It was understood staff <br />iwould lend assistance in that regard. Councilman Murray commented that if ABC <br />~agreed and wanted a quorum he thought it would be reasonable to have. However, he <br />;thought the most important thing was the public notification and open participation <br />I\in meetings. He pointed out that a quorum was not required 'by the neighborhood' <br />lorgaruzation policy.' <br /> <br /> <br />Mr. williams moved seconded by Mr. Wood to adopt the ABC charter with the I Comm <br />clear understanding t;hat payment of dues would not; be required as a condi- /5/15/74 <br />ion of membership. Motion carried unanimously. ~ Approve <br /> <br />I ~q. ~~ <br /> <br />5/20/74 - .16 <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />:- <br /> <br />J. . <br /> <br />.1 <br />