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<br />to the great amount of work that went into the study and the considerable modifica- <br />tions making it less restrictive than the preliminary report. Councilman Wood said <br />:'that no one was 'questioning the th9~oughness of sincerity of the Committee, but like <br />many> other, situations ,there' was the:;q1:l.€\sti0I). offi;'UI1derstqnd~'ngall the issues. There <br />were also concerns about the woraing and other minor points which should be looked <br />at. Mayor Anderson suggested further discussion of the study on Wednesday; May 22, <br />since the usual committee session for that date had been cancelled~ ' <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Hershner to hold discussion over to a <br />Wednesday, May 22, committee meeting, devoting the bulk of the Time to a <br />tour of PUD's. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Beal called for a point of order, saying there was a motion on the <br />"floor,~but^"th~,Chair ruled' ~he motion'was,fQ hold o,,-er._,.::~tMrs. Campbell's reques1; <br />Mr. Anderson further clar~fied the issue by saying the Wednesday meeting would deal <br />primarily with Council discussion, the public hearing portion was o~er, and the motion <br />on the floor (to adopt the plan) would be held over. <br /> <br />Vote was taken on the motion to hold further discussion until the May 22 <br />committee meeting. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />A recess was taken. <br /> <br />~B. Vacation of easement between Pearl and Oak, '18th to 19th (Teshner) (EV 74':"3) <br />Recommended by Planning Commission on March 11, 1974. <br /> <br />Public he~ring was held with no testimony presented. <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 546 - Vacat'ing easement between Pearl and Oak Stree,ts from <br />18th to l~th Avenue was read by ~itle and number only, <br />there being no councilman present requesting that it be read in full. <br /> <br />Mr, .Willrpms', moved ~ecol1desI b:y ~~' ~ersh!,ler tha.t -:th,ebilJ-, be re.a9- the sec9n<t. ti.!!1~.l:JY <br />council bill. number.only.;, 'with .u,naniftious~c'6hSerit or,theCoU11cil','-;artd' tl1at ,enactment <br />be: consid,ere(t afthis:-time. Motion carrienu:q:ailimousJf:au9::-the. Bi.1;:L_"wa$'-~read- .th,e . <br />;. s.:econd_ tim~}Y'-=C:6iin,c:l.:1:-~l?i~{number qnly". - -, . <br /> <br />. , <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Keller that the council bill be approved and <br />given final passage. Rollcall vote. All Council members present voting aye, except <br />Mr. McDonald and Mr. Hershner who were not present, .the bill was de~lared passed <br />and numbered 17070. <br /> <br />C. Li uor License - Silver Dollar Club, 1775 West 6th Avenue - RMB (new, <br />Application submitted by Bud Ntxon, 3088 West 15th Avenue 9. OLCC reported four <br />of seven interviewed in the neighborhood objected to issuance of the license. <br /> <br />Public hearing was opened. <br /> <br />. - <br />Mr. Nixon stated the application should not be considered "new" since the establish2 <br />ment for which it was requested was~previously located in the ERA project area <br />downtown (Jack's). Application at another location was withdrawn because of <br />neighborhood objections, so it was hoped this location, in an industrial area, <br />would be approved. <br /> <br />Tony Kalez, owner'of a lumber yard directly across 6th Avenue from the proposed <br />location, objected to another tavern in the area, saying there were four outlets <br />within a one-block area. He called attention to apartments adjacent to the tavern <br />property as well as across the street in which children lived, and to the existing <br />traffic congestion to which he felt the tavern would add. He thought the Council <br />would be doing a disservice to people in the area in recommending approval of the <br />outlet. <br /> <br />Public hearing was closed, there being no further ~estimony. <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. McDonald to recommend approval of the license. <br /> <br />Manager said that staff concern centered on compliance with various building codes <br />prior to occupancy of the building, but it was understood the ,owner had agreed to <br />that condition. And it was understood that before a favorable recommendation would <br />be forwarded to the OLCC there would have to be received a signed affidavit of non- <br />discrimination as required by the Council. In answer to Councilman McDonald, Manager <br />explained that the signed affidavits were usually submitted at the time the appli- <br />cations were filed. However, if for some reason they are not submitted at that time, <br />it was understood that a favorable recommendation would not be forwarded to the OLCC <br />unfil the affidavit was received. <br /> <br />5/20/74 - 8 <br /> <br />l'5b <br /> <br />.."", <br /> <br />~ ;;.:;,.0 <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />11 <br />-- -~ <br /> <br />( 0 0''82 ) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br />