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<br /> Councilman Hershner although not comfortable with granting a lump sum for investment <br /> purposes recognized the Symphony's ucrrent needs for operating expenses and suggested <br /> increasing the allocation by $700. He also recognized the desirability for Allocation <br />. Committee review of the additional funds suggested: Councilman Williams and Wood <br /> agreed that the proper procedure would be for Room Tax Committee consideration. <br /> Mr. Wood said he would not be opposed to doubling tbat amount if the money was to be <br /> used to organize a fund drive. <br /> Mr. Williams said it would be assumed, lacking any amendment, that the allocation of <br /> $15,000 would be approved~ and that the Symphony; Association would approach the Room <br /> Tax Committee for a recommendation to the Council with regard to additional funds for <br /> employment of a ticket manager/secretary. . <br /> Further discussion centered on activities of the Symphony for the coming season <br /> and time element involved (July 15, deadline) to enable proper handling of ticket <br /> sales, etc. i <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mrs. Campbell to allocate an~additional $1,000 to <br /> the Eugene Symphone Association, the additional funds to be used for employment <br /> of part-time ticket manager/secretary, and that this action be referred to the <br /> Room Tax Allocation Committee for their concurrence or disagreement by July 15, 1974. <br /> Councilman. Keller stated his opposition to the motion on the basis that the "ground <br /> rules" were being- changed and this was not the proper procedure for doing that. He <br />. said the request was totaily different from that originally,referredtot~e Allocation <br /> Committee and should come to the Council on recommendation of the Committee itself. <br /> Councilwoman Beal agreed but felt there was a question of timing because of the <br /> Symphony's needs in relation to the dates of Room Tax Committee meetings. <br /> Councilman McDonald deplored the manner in which the Room Tax Allocations were being <br /> pandled, saying the procedure seemed to be straying from that intended. Councilman . <br /> Wood had no reservations about changing the allocation. He saw no reason to send <br /> it back to the Committee. <br /> Councilwoman Campbell called for the question was taken on motion to <br /> increase the allocation by $1,000 ($16,000:total), the money to be available <br /> to the Eugene Symphony on July 15, 1974 if there was no objection from the <br /> . -.~ RoomTax'Allocat ion Commi tt ee . Motion carrie~, Councilmen Hershner, Beal, <br /> "'--".-.. ------- -. -. <br /> Campbell, and Wood voting,aye;'Councilman Williams, ,~cDonald and Keller voting no. <br /> . " . ~-... <br /> 5. : Upward Bound - Requested $4,000.00 1 <br /> \ <br /> : The Allocation COmmittee recommended rejection since it did not fit the legal) Comm <br /> i contraints on use of the tax monies. No action was taken. ;1 6/12/74 <br /> I 'I . <br /> '1_._..... "'___", ._..,.. "~"'" "._.,,, ". ..,. "_,, _ ,_'.. ____'. ,"_" '<<.:: .,." __" __.." ..__..~.._.1" No Act~on <br />'ta . ' vious1y distributed to , <br /> B. ~contr~flow Traff~c ~yst~m fO~o BU::~ ~o~~~~e~/:o~~~a;~~: ~~: lanes. Assistant \ <br /> :Counc~l members ~nd~cat~ng P ,PO, on Charne1ton'and 10th were far in the future.j <br /> ;Manager explained t~at th~se~nd~ca~e~ f the one on 8th between Linco1~ and Pearl. ' <br /> i.More immediate cons~derat~on was as eo, <br /> f . d h tem and how it would' service the <br /> 'AI Williams, traf~ic engineer, eX~la~~e ~ ~t~y~etween willamette and Olive. The <br /> proposed bus term~na1 on the ~o~t s~.e oln to Pearl on the south side of 8th with <br /> proposed bus lane would exten rom ~ncothe one-wa westbound traffic on that <br /> ,buses travelin~ west to east contr:r~h:of10W of busYtraffic in and out of <br /> 'street. Hepo~nted out on a ske:c d t of the contraflow lane at. various ~nter- <br /> !posed terminal and bus movemen: ~n ~t o~'on to the need for removal of parking from <br /> sections. He called the Counc~l s a en ~ . co1n and between Oak and Pearl to <br /> ! both sides of 8th Avenue between c~a~~:~~~~ ~~s L~~e bus lane. Also, the possibili ty: <br /> :provide room for two full ~anes 08thbetwee; Oak and Pearl and at the southeast ; <br /> :of some street reco~struct~on o~aid that significant modifications would have to i <br /> corner of 8th and L~nco~n: He . I and that although financing was not a , <br /> be made in signing, ,~tr~p~ng, and S~g~: ;~deral money available for a portion of ! <br /> consideration~t th~s t~me the~~ ~a~hat the Planning Commission pad approved the I <br /> the work. Ass~stant Manager a e <br /> concept of the bus lane on 8th Avenue. <br />.- I .' sed change could be accomplished on Charnel ton I <br /> ; Councilman Murray asked ~f thepxc;r E ineer answered that the proposal a,t this ! <br /> without widening the street. Tra ~cd ~~arnelton were shown only to indicate how i <br /> : time was for 8th Avenue onlY~ lOth ~ture. In response to questions from Council- j <br /> the route could be expanded ~n.the , r s id the bus lane would be separated <br /> woman Campbell and Be~l, Traff~c Eng~~~~bleq ellow no passing, center divider now , <br /> from automobile traff~c by the ~sual h !Jld be' no raised dividers since it waS! <br /> 'ng traff~c T ere wou I <br /> used to separate oppos~ t ff: d size of the vehicles there would be no <br /> felt with the volume ~f b~s, ra ~c ~ . . ...___~_,_ <br /> blem with their ma~nta~n~ng the r.~gh~~".~_,,!a~,.,_.._ ., -- ".. ----, -' ,- , '..' <br /> pro ~_.,,_' ______ __', _ _~._____,_..,...,---"'~ <br /> '2.. 2..1 6(24(74 - .13 <br />L.- <br />