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<br />]~' . .._ ..._ :~-<:., . n. . _ --.. - ~. _ - - <br /> <br />:,Councilwoman Beal agreed that radio coverage of the si tuation was excellent but <br />; she thought inclusion with weather reports would reach more people recognizing <br />: the tendency of many to turn the radio on only for weather news. She thought also <br />! that pu~,Iic officials and publ~c employes should limi t their use of cars, and _ <br />I sa~d she would make a mot~on to that effect and request tbat a memo' ~ <br />i be sent at the beginning of any air pollution alert period request- Carom <br />I ing people generally to limit use of cars. Councilman Murray 10/2~74 <br />said he would second the motion for the sake of discussion. F1le : <br />i -- - .- -. I <br />Councilwoman Campbell felt the ciiynad fulfilled its obligation in notifying people : <br />, <br />of the situation. Mayor Anderson reported that complaints coming into his office <br />during field burning periods far outnumbered those received during the inversion <br />period, but Mrs. Beal said she had received very strong complaints about normal <br />, use of autos during the alert. -.'._ <br />: ......... ! <br />: ...,--- - _ ..--- i <br />: Manager said the inteQ~-ofthe motion~app~ared to suggest that during alert-periods <br />not only would the city cut doWn on its use of city vehicles but city employes would i <br />[also b~ asked to take action not being generally taken by other people in the com- I <br />I munity, which didn't really seem, right. And the city had already reduced its use of : <br />ivehJcles con9iderably because of the fuel shortage. He said the greatest us~ of I <br />vehicles was in the police department and he questioned whether it would be appro- ' <br />priate to curtail police activities in an alert stage of air pollution. He asked <br />!for considerable leeway in carrying out the intent of the motion if it was adopted. <br /> <br />ICouncilman Wood was ,not in favor of the motion. He thought the realistic way to ~ <br />. attack the problem was to work wi th other agencies to provide more convenient and ~ <br />!comfortable mass transit facilities within the community and to follow the alert <br />:procedure to make people aware of the hazards and unpredictable nature of air <br />I <br />inversions. ~- ~ <br />...... ,/....----"-- <br />-- .-.- ~~-- <br />:'Councilm~m Murray said he would rather see emphasis on a program similar to the <br />!comprehensive plan adopted by the County involving carpooling and staggering of i <br />: work hours. Councilman Williams agreed and said it would seem more important to <br />, <br />'have a good emergency plan and follow procedures set out so everyone would be aware, <br />I , <br />:of what needed to be done. He thought a memo directed to city employes would be / <br />iaddressing those people perhaps more cognizant of the problem than any.others. <br /> <br />Vote was taken on the motion as stated. Motion defeated, <br />: Beal voting aye, all other Council members present voting <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mrs. Campbell to approve, affirm and file as <br />noted A(l), B. D. E. F asOit relates to 658-9, G and H through P. Motion <br />carried unanimously, on rollcall vote. <br /> <br />Manager stated tJ:lat, as regards the speed on Oak~ay, i ~ .is estabiish~d by the state ._ <br />agency and the .ci ty has no:::control. It was stud1ed pr10r to thepav1ng and the state <br />will be for another study of conditions after paving and widening. <br /> <br /> <br />111- Wreckers License - American Cycle Salvage Co., 683 McKinley Street <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to approve the license. Motion carried <br />all Council members present voting aye. <br /> <br />IV - Ordinances "- <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 658 - Levying assessments for paving and storm sewer on Oakway Road from <br />Oakmont Way to Cal Young Road (73-39), read the first time on' September 23, 1974 and referred <br />to Assessment Panel for hearing on September 30, 1974, was brought for 'consideration of <br />Panel recommendation and read the second time by council bill number and title only, there <br />being no councilman present requesting that it be read in full. <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mrs. Campbell that tne bill be approvedaad .::;iven final passage. <br />Rollcall vote. All council members present voting aye, the bill was declared passed and <br />nUHlbered 17185. <br /> <br />counci~ill No..659 - Levying assessments for paving Fillmore Street from 24th Avenue iIIt <br />to 250 feet north (74-09), read the first time on September 23, 1974 and referred to Assess- <br />ment Panel for hearing on September 30, 1974, was brought back for consideration of Panel <br />recommen~ation an~ read the second time by council bill number and title only, there being no <br />councilman present requesting that it be read in full. <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mrs. Campbell that the bill be approved and given final passage. <br />Rollcall vote. All council~embers present voting aye, the bill was declared passed and <br /> <br />numbered 17186. <br />-- '351 <br />