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<br /> Answering a question from Ms. Ehrman, Ms. Field said passage of Measure 11 <br /> would not have a direct fiscal impact on the City. However, passage of <br /> e Measure 11 would shift the tax structure from property taxes to income taxes <br /> and would shift the tax burden from home owners to business owners. <br /> Ms. Ehrman said she will not oppose Measure 11 because she is not sure it will <br /> harm the City. At her request, the councilors agreed to consider the measures <br /> separately. <br /> Res. No. 4006--A resolution opposing Ballot Measure 9. <br /> Ms. Ehrman moved, seconded by Ms. Schue, to adopt the <br /> resolution opposing Ballot Measure 9. <br /> Ms. Bascom said Measures 9, 11, and 12 indicate there are problems in the <br /> present system but she does not think the solutions in the measures would <br /> improve the tax system. <br /> Mr. Holmer said passage of Measure 9 would create grave problems for the City <br /> and he would like to warn the voters. <br /> Mr. Mi 11 er said passage of Measure 9 would alter the financing of the <br /> government. <br /> The motion carried unanimously, 7:0. <br /> Res. No. 4007--A resolution opposing Ballot Measure 11. <br /> e Ms. Ehrman moved, seconded by Ms. Schue, to adopt the <br /> resolution opposing Ballot Measure 11. <br /> Mr. Holmer said shifting the tax burden to the business community would have <br /> an indirect negative effect on the City and is justification for opposing the <br /> measure. <br /> Ms. Schue said the result of shifting the tax burden to the income tax would <br /> depend on the State Legislature and the actions of the voters on Measure 12. <br /> She said approval of Measure 12 probably will create problems for the State <br /> government and the City will not benefit from that. <br /> Ms. Ehrman said a shift in the tax structure from property taxes to income <br /> taxes woul d result in emp 1 oyed peop 1 e payi n9 most of the taxes. Now, <br /> unemployed people must pay property taxes. She favors letting the voters <br /> decide the issue. <br /> Mr. Miller said he, personally, is opposed to both Measures 9 and 11 but he is <br /> opposed to them for different reasons. He said he does not think the council <br /> should oppose Measure 11. <br /> e MINUTES--Eugene City Council October 8, 1986 Page 4 <br />