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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL A^ <br />AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br />Action: Motion to Approve Rest Stop <br />Meeting Date: October 23, 2017 Agenda Item Number: 4 <br />Department: City Manager's Office Contact: Regan Watjus <br />www.eugene-orgov Contact Telephone Number: 541-682-8442 <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />This is a follow-up from the work session held on October 9, 2017. During that work session, staff <br />updated City Council on the rest stop program and work related to a previous Council -approved <br />motion to 1) stabilize current rest stops and 2) work with task teams in different wards in a phased <br />approach, starting with interested neighborhoods, to find additional rest stops outside of Ward 7. <br />Following Council discussion at that work session, Council directed the City Manager to conduct <br />additional outreach to the immediate neighbors of a proposed new rest stop site at 34th Avenue and <br />Hilyard Street and advertise opportunities for people to provide input regarding the proposed site, <br />including at the City Council's next Public Forum on October 23, 2017. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The rest stop program was initiated by Council in September 2013 by Ordinance 20517 <br />(Attachment A) as a pilot program. Council approved yearly extensions to the program four times <br />before voting to remove the program's sunset date on February 27, 2017 (see Attachment B for <br />permanent Administrative Rules and Regulations for the program). The program provides certain <br />Council -approved sites where up to 20 individuals who are experiencing homelessness may safely <br />and legally sleep and keep their belongings while they work to obtain more stable, permanent <br />housing. The rest stop program provides the community with a low-cost, safe, transitional <br />sheltering option. Managing non -profits have been responsible for the costs to establish and <br />operate each location. The City contributes to the program through the Council enacted ordinance <br />and by providing Council approved properties for sites and staff support to the program. See <br />Attachment C for the 2016 annual report on program operations. <br />Per Council directive, City staff have engaged in efforts to increase education and outreach around <br />the program. A video created about the program has been shared on the City of Eugene's website, <br />its Facebook page, and three times a day on Metro TV. City staff have attended numerous meetings <br />with interested community members and neighborhood groups and are scheduled for additional <br />meetings with neighborhood groups in the fall to discuss rest stops and the City's homelessness <br />efforts. Finally, staff have created an Outreach Handbook for Community Members on the Rest Stop <br />and Car Camping Programs. The handbook is an in-depth how-to guide that includes detailed <br />program information, an outline of the process and criteria for potential site identification, and <br />tools for conducting outreach. Hard copies of the handbook have been distributed upon request, <br />with notices of its availability sent to community stakeholders, advocates and the Neighborhood <br />Leaders Council, and a printable e -version is featured online at the City's rest stop webpage. <br />