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Eugene currently has four rest stops, all of which are managed by Community Supported Shelters <br />(CSS) and all of which are located in Ward 7. The non-profit Nightingale Health Sanctuary (NHS) <br />previously operated a rest stop for more than two years before transitioning to operating a site <br />permitted as "car camping" in April of this year. The site, a City -owned property located on the <br />southwest corner of 34th Avenue and Hilyard Street, allows up to six vehicles, as defined by City <br />code, to be used for sleeping. NHS wishes to increase its capacity in order to shelter more <br />individuals by operating a rest stop at the location. <br />The NHS Steering Committee and interested community members have worked with the Southeast <br />Neighbors over the past few months to increase neighborhood understanding of the program and <br />request the neighborhood association's support for a rest stop at the location. <br />• Southeast Neighbors (SEN) sent postcard invitations to immediate neighbors of the NHS site <br />for an Open House that NHS held in July as an opportunity for community members to see <br />the site and its operations. Few close neighbors attended, and those who did expressed <br />support for the existing car camp as well as some concern about it growing to a 20 -person <br />rest stop. <br />• In August, the Vulnerable Populations Working Group, a group of community members <br />working to increase shelter opportunities for the unhoused, held a meeting with NHS <br />steering committee members and a few SEN board members to discuss the potential for the <br />NHS car camping site to become a rest stop. At this meeting, a number of questions and <br />items of concern were raised, and a plan was made to bring the full NHS steering committee <br />to a meeting of the SEN board in order to provide fuller answers to questions and more <br />thoroughly discuss concerns. <br />• On August 29, the NHS Steering Committee and SEN Board met to discuss a series of specific <br />questions and concerns that had been raised by board members. NHS provided copies of <br />their operational materials for the board to review. The SEN Board then planned to make a <br />decision on a recommendation at their next meeting. <br />• SEN board members distributed flyers door-to-door to neighbors and business owners <br />within 500' of the site to make them aware of the board's plan to make a decision on a <br />recommendation to Council regarding the establishment of a rest stop on September 19. <br />• At the SEN board meeting on September 19, neighbors in attendance had the opportunity to <br />ask additional questions of the NHS steering committee. Following board discussion, the SEN <br />board voted 8-1 in support of the following recommendation to the Eugene City Council: <br />"The Southeast Neighbors Board of Directors supports the car camp at Good Samaritan <br />becoming a rest stop. The Board recommends to City Council this change in designation with <br />the request that the rest stop be permitted to grow to no more than 12 residents over the <br />next six months. The Board further requests that admissions of new residents be suspended <br />for four months after reaching twelve residents to give the neighborhood association an <br />opportunity to determine whether to recommend a further expansion of the rest stop." <br />Good Samaritan Society, which operates a home health and senior housing facility next door to the <br />site, has been engaged in these conversations as they have progressed. The administrator of Good <br />Samaritan has been supportive of the NHS car camping site and built positive relationships with the <br />site managers. <br />Following the work session on October 9, City staff have worked to conduct additional outreach to <br />the immediate neighbors of the proposed site at 34th Avenue and Hilyard Street and to advertise <br />F:\CMO\2017 Council Agendas\M171023\S1710234.doc <br />