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opportunities for people to provide input regarding the proposed site, including at the City <br />Council's next Public Forum on October 23. City staff: <br />• placed advertisements in the Sunday, October 15, edition of the Register -Guard and the <br />Thursday, October 19, edition of the Eugene Weekly; <br />• publicized the proposal and opportunities to comment on the City's webpage and its <br />Facebook page; <br />• conducted door-to-door outreach and distributed flyers to over 60 neighboring residents <br />and businesses in the area immediately around the proposed site. <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />1. Eugene Code 4.816 Permitted Overnight Sleeping. <br />2. Council goal for a safe community: A community where all people are safe, valued and <br />welcome. <br />TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE ANALYSIS <br />Environmental - reducing environmental and health impacts of people sleeping unsheltered in <br />unsanctioned locations <br />Economic prosperity - helping people achieve housing and economic stability by connecting <br />currently unhoused individuals with housing opportunities and other services to improve their <br />quality of life <br />Social equity - helping underserved populations of people who are currently experiencing <br />homelessness and face a variety of barriers and social stigmas associated with their status as <br />unhoused <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />Council can choose to approve or not approve a rest stop at the proposed site. <br />CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Manager recommends approval of a rest stop in the City -owned parking lot on the <br />southwest corner of 34th Avenue and Hilyard Street in Eugene. <br />SUGGESTED MOTIONS <br />Move to approve a rest stop site in the City -owned parking lot on the southwest corner of 34th <br />Avenue & Hilyard Street in Eugene. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />A. Permitted Overnight Sleeping Ordinance <br />B. Administrative Order No. 53-17-03-F <br />C. Rest Stops and Opportunity Village 2016 Report <br />