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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />The commission does have the authority to set the rates. Councilors who are <br />interested in this issue should contact either commission members or Keith <br />Martin and let their views be known so they can be taken into consideration. <br />The structure of the decision may make the decision on whether the council has <br />anything to say about it. Mr. Haws stated that approving or denying the rate <br />increase may do away with the leverage for the other things desired. Mr. <br />Swanson agreed that the commission may not just say lIyes" or "noll on the rate <br />increase. They could impose conditions which may require changes in the <br />franchise. <br /> <br />Mr. Haws asked how much leeway there is and if the commission could require, as <br />a condition, that the council hold a public hearing. Ms. Baker stated that <br />three things are being dealt with: goal-setting, the three-year review, and the <br />rate increase. The rates and services will be considered in the negotiations <br />for the rate increase. Tomorrow's report will be a large determining factor as <br />to whether the commission approves the rate request. Conditions could be put <br />upon the rate request approval. <br /> <br />Ms. Miller asked if audits have been made public. Ms. Baker responded that they <br />have. This occurred after the last public hearing. Copies have been made <br />available at the meetings, in the City Manager's Office, and announced in the <br />newspaper. <br /> <br />Ms. Wooten asked what would happen if one agency did not approve the request if <br />the rate increase is contingent upon issues dealing with the franchise. She <br />asked if it would take two votes to deny the increase. Mr. Swanson responded <br />that all jurisdictions must concur unanimously with any changes in the fran- <br />chise. Ms. Wooten stated that if the negotiated package is made available <br />tomorrow to the commission, a public hearing is held, then the decision is to <br />be made, she sees that as a short time to get public input regarding the ser- <br />vices and programs or justification of the rate request. Ms. Baker stated that <br />the commission had been working on this since last May. They have formed three <br />subcommittees: 1) Franchise fee; 2) Public Access; and 3) Programming and <br />Services. Many citizens have been involved; all their input has been consid- <br />ered. There has been an extensive amount of public involvement. Ms. Wooten <br />noted appreciation for the opportunities there have been for involvement, but <br />she is concerned that the package delivery may fall short and not merit the rate <br />increase. She asked if there would be a greater level of funding available for <br />public access than that proposed originally by Teleprompter. Ms. Baker said <br />that that is one item in the negotiations. Mr. Hamel added that the commission <br />is being "hard-nosed," and they will not be satisfied with past performances. <br />They will be working for the dollar1s worth. This process began in January <br />1981. Ms. Baker stated that the commission has a history of not approving rate <br />increases. No increases have been approved in six years. <br /> <br />Mr. Haws stated that they seem to have nothing to lose if they vote yes. He <br />asked what there is to be lost if they vote no. Ms. Baker responded that they <br />might lose public access, better programming, and improvements to the system. <br />Mr. Haws asked if Teleprompter would come back and ask for a rate increase <br />again if it were denied. Ms. Baker responded that they probably would. Mr. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council <br /> <br />January 27, 1982 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br />