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<br />e <br /> <br />Haws stated that he does not see what harm there would be if the commission <br />voted no and changed their minds after the public hearing. Mr. Gleason stated <br />that the negotiations are occurring in good faith under an intergovernmental <br />agreement. The council as a whole has not taken a position for service improve- <br />ments. If improvements can be achieved, then the decision will be shared <br />between the commission and the agencies. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Ms. Miller stated that her concern is not with the content of the agreement, <br />since that is unknown, but rather that it seems unfair to announce what it <br />will be with no time for public input. They could impose conditions so that <br />the agencies could have public hearings. Many people are upset with this <br />major issue; they are also frustrated without knowing what is being considered. <br />Perhaps the council should have been involved sooner. Mr. Swanson assured <br />Ms. Miller that he has heard the council IS concern. Although he is not sure <br />just what can be done, he will take those concerns to Mr. Martin this after- <br />noon. Ms. Wooten added to Ms. Miller's statement that she agrees with Mr. <br />Haws. In order to protect the ability to further negotiate, it would be helpful <br />if the commission voted no. Mayor Keller stated that the purpose for establish- <br />ment of the commission was because the council did not want that level of <br />involvement. Before too much more is said, background information is needed. <br />Ms. Wooten stated that there would be opportunity for that if the increase were <br />denied. Ms. Schue stated that it is one thing to tie the rate increase to the <br />franchise changes but she does not like denying the increase in order to keep <br />the City's options open. However, she would like to look at the whole package. <br /> <br />Mr. Hamel stated that the City Council does not have jurisdiction to control the <br />rate increase. What the commission decides will be up to the commission. There <br />will be opportunities to review the franchise. Ms. Smith stated that even <br />though the commission has the right to decide, this input should be conveyed to <br />the City Attorney. The City Council does not have the responsibility, but they <br />do have a high degree of concern and would like further input and a report back. <br />She cautioned staff not to ignore the concerns of the council. <br /> <br />Ms. Miller asked Mr. Hamel to convey the council IS comments to the commission. <br />Mr. Hamel stated that he would. Ms. Baker added that she had just talked <br />with Mr. Gorham and had delivered the message. <br /> <br />C. Clean-Up Project <br /> <br />Ms. Schue requested that a letter be sent to Eugene Action Forum and Sigma Nu <br />Fraternity thanking them for cleaning up the entrance to the city on 1-5 and <br />Franklin Boulevard. <br /> <br />D. Letter To Congressional Delegation <br /> <br />Ms. Schue stated that she had received a letter from the president of the <br />Federal University Professors regarding the proposed Federal cuts in student <br />loans. She asked the council to support the concerns by being a co-signer on <br />a letter to the Oregon Congressional Delegation. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council <br /> <br />January 27, 1982 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br />