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<br />. , . <br />e Councilor Smith supported the recommendations of the subcommittee and said she <br /> was particularly pleased with the allocation for "Summerfest," which she felt <br /> was directly in line with recently adopted council goals. <br /> Councilor Lindberg said that the joint subcommittee meetings occurred, including <br /> the Council Subcommittee on Economic Development, a subcommittee of the Community <br /> Development Committee, and representatives of the Economic Diversification task <br /> team where CDBG-funded economic development had been considered and recommenda- <br /> tions developed that are very similar to those being presented to the council <br /> at th is time. He said that the CDC representatives on the joint subcommittee <br /> had been concerned that, very near the conclusion of the process of judging and <br /> selecting proposals for funding, a new criterion for evaluating proposals had <br /> been developed. Councilor Lindberg said that this criterion, one of cost of <br /> administration, had been added as a result of staff concern for rising admini- <br /> strative costs, and that several groups that had applied for the funds were <br /> upset that this criterion had been added after the requests for proposals had <br /> been sent out. Mr. Lindberg said that the council subcommittee had discussed <br /> this and had felt that, while the situation was unfortunate, it was not approp- <br /> riate to reopen the process. Mr. Lindberg noted that in the future he would be <br /> representing the CDC on the council subcommittee in discussions of use of CDBG <br /> funds. He hoped that this link would improve communications between the two <br /> groups. <br /> Councilor Wooten said she regretted that the process had been so frustrating but <br /> noted that there will be an opportunity for non-profit groups and small businesses <br /> to apply for a portion of the $210,000. She noted that the subcommittee had <br />e endorsed the proposal to set aside 10 percent of these funds for minority-owned <br /> enterprises. Ms. Wooten noted that several representatives of the Native <br /> American community were present and said she regretted that the elimination of <br /> individually funded projects from CDBG allocations had been necessary to provide <br /> funds for the economic development program. She hoped that an application for <br /> CDBG funding for the community center project proposed for the Native American <br /> community could fit into the CDBG program in the future. She indicated that <br /> within 60-90 days more specific proposals would be before the council. <br /> Ms. Schue moved, seconded by Ms. Smith, to approve the recommendation <br /> of the subcommittee. Roll call vote; motion carried unanimously. <br /> Councilor Smith introduced Mike Hartman, the new executive director of the <br /> Visitors and Convention Bureau. <br /> V. RATIFICATION OF FY1982-83 METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGMEMENT COMMISSION <br /> BUDGET (memo, background information distributed) <br /> Mr. Gleason said that the MWMC 1982-83 budget had been reviewed in detail by <br /> City staff and that staff recommended adoption of this transition budget. He <br /> noted that Bill pye of MWMC was present to respond to any questions from councilors. <br /> Councilor Wooten asked what the amount of the user rate increase attached to <br /> this budget would be. Mr. Gleason responded that it would be an increase of <br />e approximately $4 to $5 per household. Ms. Wooten said she was concerned with <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council September 15, 1982 Page 5 <br />