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<br />- . . <br /> the way in which fees were assessed to residents. She suggested that a lifeline <br />e- rate structure be developed that would base one's assessment on usage and would <br /> thereby be fairer. Mr. Gleason responded that the MWMC will be undertaking a <br /> professional examination of the user rate structure and that the commission <br /> would be making a recommendation following study of that report. Councilor <br /> Wooten said that she was reluctant to support the budget and accompanying user <br /> rate increase unless a more equitable assessment process was used. <br /> Councilor Smith said she shared Ms. Wooten's concerns as did other MWMC members. <br /> She said that the council would have a further opportunity to review the MWMC <br /> rate proposals in two or three months, when the professional report was available. <br /> She said that meanwhile the approval of the budget before the council was needed <br /> to get operations under way. Councilor Schue said she would like to receive <br /> information on jurisdictions that make sewer assessments based on consumption <br /> estimates. Ms. Smith said she would provide this information to Ms. Schue. <br /> Ms. Schue moved, seconded by Ms. Smith, to ratify the Metropolitan <br /> Wastewater Management Commission FY1982-83 budget. Roll call <br /> vote; motion carried unanimously. <br /> VI. COUNCIL WORK SESSION ON FAIRMOUNT/UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SPECIAL AREA STUDY <br /> Mr. Gleason reminded councilors that immediately following this meeting there <br /> would be a work session for councilors in the McNutt Room on the Fairmount/ <br /> University of Oregon Special Area Study. <br />_- The meeting was adjourned to September 22, 1982. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> ~~, <br /> Micheal D. Gleason <br /> City Manager <br /> (Recorded by Darcy Marentette) <br /> MDG:DCM:pv/CM26b20 <br />-- <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council September 15, 1982 Page 6 <br /> - <br />