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<br /> Richard L. Hansen, 2744 Tomahawk Lane, said that he had recently been elected <br /> e to the Clty Council. He supported the naming of the center for the Hults. He <br /> pointed out that commericial businesses pay 65 percent of area property taxes. <br /> He urged the council to reaffirm the naming of the Hult Center. <br /> Robert E. Moulton, 260 East 11th Avenue, waived his time in favor of other <br /> speakers. <br /> Janet Johnston, 2555 Central Boulevard, noted that she was the president <br /> of the Eugene Symphony Association but that she was speaking on her own behalf. <br /> She felt that the names of the Hult Center, the Eugene Hilton, and the Eugene <br /> Conference Center, all located in Eugene Centre, were a good reflection of the <br /> public/private partnership used to construct the complex. <br /> William Bain, 1755 Balboa, said that the building of the Eugene Center complex <br /> was a I5-year project, with history going back 30 years. He noted that commer- <br /> cial and industrial property taxes had paid a good portion of the property tax <br /> contributions that had made the center a reality. He felt that the council had <br /> participated in good representative government in making the decision to name <br /> the center for the Hults. <br /> The time alloted for public testimony having expired, the public hearing was <br /> closed. <br /> Mayor Keller asked that the names of the following people who had requested to <br /> speak but who had not been called on due to time constraints be entered into the <br /> record. <br /> e Those who requested to speak in opposition to reaffirming the ren&~ing: <br /> Peggy Heusel, 2210 Van Buren Street. <br /> Lois Young, 1579 Larkspur Avenue. <br /> Pat Albright, 2712 Jackson Street. <br /> Guido Palandri, 1770 Skyline Boulevard. <br /> John Bauguess, 364 East Broadway, No.4. <br /> Dean Mordhorst, 91662 Coburg Road. <br /> Don Di Fazio, Walton Creek Road. <br /> Those who requested to speak in favor of reaffirming the renaming: <br /> Charlotte Lemon, 1280 Mill Street. <br /> Mayor Keller also entered into the record a petition submitted by Richard F. <br /> Freeman, 2322 West 23rd Place, containing signatures of ten people who supported <br /> the naming of the center for the Hults. <br /> e <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 22, 1982 Page 6 <br />