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<br />INITIATIVE I'ETITICN <br />City of Eugene, Oregon <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />CP..liF PETITIONERS: MaIlI;el Pachero <br />490 East 34th St. <br />Ellgene, Oregon <br /> <br />Sue C-ordon <br />1136 East 20th St. <br />Eugene, Oregon <br /> <br />Punl 1'7ooddell <br />215 E. 2nd, ~3 <br />Eugene, Oregon <br /> <br />B/U.Wl' TITLE <br /> <br />CAPrIOO: STOP U.S. MIUTARY AID TO CENTRAL M-lERICA <br /> <br />OOESTIQN: SHALL THE PEOPLE OF EIJGEliE CAIL FOR A HALT <br />'ro U. s. r-1ILlTARY AID TO CENTRAL M1EIUCA? <br /> <br />PURPOSE: THE PEOPLE OF EUiENE CALL FOR A HALT TO l-lILITARY <br />AID 'ro CENI'RAL M1ERICA. THE CI'IY COUNCIL <br />\'lILL DE RBJUIRED TO SEND A COP'f OF THE MFASURE <br />TO FEDERAL OFFICIALS. <br /> <br />THE rQSURE <br /> <br />\~, ext:rene poverty, gross econanic disparity and poli tical r~ <br />pression are the tnle root causes of unrest aIT'OI1g the peoples of <br />Central Amarica, and <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />\'niEE'.EAS, U,s. military assistance to the governrrents of El Salvador, <br />Guatemala, ,:md Honduras, and covert military aid to the counter- <br />revolutionary forces fighting to overthrcM the governrrent of Nicaragua, <br />has increased and continues to increase dralratically and, <br /> <br />h'HEREAS, goverrarents supported 'rrj U.S. military assistance practice <br />institutionalized hurran rights violations directed to..ard their own <br />populations, inclOOing death squads, torture, rape and deprivation and, <br /> <br />l"lHEREAS, U.S. financing of counter-revolutionary.forces <br />overt:lu't:lW the governrrent of Nicaragua, in violation of U.S. and ll'1ter- <br />national law increases the danger of regionalized warfare \mle it <br />\.U1dE-.rmines ~onal efforts t:a..Jard diplatatic solutions, and <br /> <br />1-mEREAS, CCI1tinued mill tary aid to the region has contributed to the <br />eaJIlCllIic, political and social disruptions of those countries, forcing <br />hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee their native lands and seek <br />refuge in Mexico am the United States, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, with. the severe eccnanic difficulties facing the united States <br />am deep cuts in darestic ~V'::lLo.ftS, the traneY spent on military aid <br />to Central Arrerica could be spent supporting jobs, health and education <br />projects in this country, and <br /> <br />~, we recognize that only longstanding solutions to the problems <br /> face Central .Arrerica are to be found in peaceful diplatatic <br />alternatives; and <br /> <br />~, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT ORDAlNID BY THE PEOPLE OF THE ern OF E:t.X;ENE <br />AS ~,S: <br /> <br />SH:TION 1. 'l11e people of Eugene call for: <br /> <br />(al A halt to the. use of federal taxes for overt and <br />oovert military assistance to Central AIrerica. <br /> <br />(b) A halt to the stationing of U.S. military personnel <br />in the region, and <br /> <br />&::l A halt to all l'econcmic support funds" directed <br />prlmarlly toward military purposes in the region. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />SEX:TION 2. The City Council is instructed to transmit a a::JfJY of <br />this ordinanCe to the President of the tJriited States, <br />the Sec:retary of State, the Secretary of Dafense, <br />the Speaker of the House, the Majority Leader of the <br />Senate, the Chainnan of the Senate Foreign Relations <br />Camti ttee, and to each 1T'eI1'ber of the Oregon Congressional <br />Delegation. '!be City is also instructed to publicize <br />this ordinance to the people and press of Oregon. <br /> <br />SEX:TIrn 3. '!his ordinance shall take effect as provided by law. <br />