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<br />. <br /> Me.oraa... <br />e October 3.198' <br /> To: Mayor and City Council <br /> Fro.: Fire and Emergency Services Department <br /> Re: Long Range Plan ud Redeployment Proposal <br /> Stafr in the Fire lAd Emergency Services Departmenl. have completed a long-range <br /> pluning process ud are bringing before the Council two items for Council <br /> consideration. The first is the cItaCt Long RAnge PlaA Cor Fin: ud Emergency <br /> Services, wbicb is elpected to provide cUtecUon and policy guidance for the <br /> department. over the nelt. l' years. The plan document. covers every phase of <br /> department responsibility, including fire suppression, fire prevenUon, emergency <br /> medical services, and related emergency ud support. activities. The draft. p!an is <br /> orguJzed into seven sections; four of these sections--Metro Services, Code <br /> lAd Department. In r cture, lAd Public <br /> Educatio.a--bave bee.a been before the PllUl.aing Commissio.a, wbicb amended ud <br /> .aow forward them to the Council. Three additional sections or the plaA--Emerge.acy <br />, Buman Resources ud Training. ud Department Administration--are <br /> being reviewed by the City's ezecutive JIluagen, but. are included in the dntt. <br /> to allow Cor public review ud comment. <br />e The planning process begu in mid-1984. In order to give the department's <br /> employees a sense of ow.aership, SUld due to the technical aspects of masty of the <br /> department's operations, the initial step in developing the plan was the formation of <br /> a .aumbet of commiuees, made up of department members. The initial <br /> recommendations of these committees were plaCed into plaA format, at which point a <br /> Cit.ize.a Advisory Group 'VIIS formed to: 1) review the draft documeat. to easure that it. <br /> was complete. practical, ud understaDdable to the general public, 2) advise planning <br /> committees of community conceras not adequately addressed in the draft, SUld 3) <br /> inform their constituent groups of the pJanning process. solicit input, and support <br /> the ptan through adoptioa. After coasulting with staff in the City Manager's Office, <br /> the following groups/orguiZations were invited to provide representation on the <br /> CAG: Eugene Area Chamber of Comaerce. LAae CoUAty Board of Commissioaers. <br /> Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board. Lane County Chapter of the American <br /> Red Cross, Lane Community College Advisory Board, LaAe CoUAty IAsuraace Agents <br /> Association, Laae COunty fire Defe.ase Board, City of sprlllgCield, Lane COunty Medical <br /> Society, Neighborhood Leaden. the local chapter of the Americaa Associatioa of <br /> Retired Persons, and the League of Wome.a Voters. The CAG was chaired by Gerry <br /> Gaydos, the Chamber of Commerce represe.ataUve. and .. member of the PlaA.aing <br /> COmmission. <br /> FoUowlag the CAG's review SUld modification of the document, It was pUblicized <br /> through the aews JDed~ and oa the proposed plan were made to the <br /> Neighborhood Leaders, the Chamber of COmmerce PlUning and Land Use <br /> Subcommittee, ud the Joint. ComJaiUH on ECOJlomic DevelopmeJ1t.. la additioa, the <br />e 1'~ was the topic of a aumber of made by department staff to various <br /> CJVJC groups. <br /> The ptanning CoJlUllissioa. following.. worksessioa oa the pJaa. held .. September 17 <br /> public hearing on the plSUl. receiving written testimony on the document from the <br /> Chamber of Commerce ud the laAe CoUJlty Homebuilders AssociatioJl. <br />