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<br />- <br />, ~ <br /> _" J> <br />OOUNCIL MEMD-Z <br />At the conclusloA of the hearing. the COmmlSSiOA ameAded Policy 10.0 1a the Code <br />Develop.meAland EJ1forcemeAt section of the p.laJl ud voted unuimously-IO approve e <br />the pJaA as amended'lIAd forward it the Council for consideratioA. <br />The secoAd item berore the CouAcil is a prol'osed redeploymeAt or the City's rue <br />sUPl'reSSiOA resources. considered by staff 10 be an. iml'ort&D.t part or the <br />del'utment's 10Ag nAge 1'1aluliAg effort. At present. the departmeAt is reduced 33 <br />positions trom its former streAgth. two fire statloAS are. closed. a number of older <br />statioAS&re iA deterloraW1g cOAdition. and several &teas- or the City have poor <br />response times. while others are adequately coveted. While some of these l'toblems <br />have been mitigated by code develol'ment and techAolosy. stalf feels that a. <br />redel'loymeAt is Aecessary 10 provide a beuer level of fire protection. The proposal <br />staff will be presentiAg to the CouAcil. while AOt restoriAg the department to full <br />former capacity. would address immediate needs and tire suppression capabilities. <br />The plaJl is, capital-inteAsive. iAvolviAg the closure &Ad Sale of three fire staUOJlS &Ad <br />~vera1 other pieces of property to' offset the 'cost of constructing two new. <br />better-located stations ud purchasing several new pieces of rire equipment that <br /> increased tactical capability over existing apparatUs. The plan would add only <br />three positions to the department's roster. It is anticipated that the redeployment <br />would be phased over four years. taking advantage of developments' such as the <br />Chambers CoJlJl~ctor. Coupled with the adoption of new codes over the nen five to ten <br />years. starr feels that the redeployment would provide an. acceptable level of <br />protection. considering the economic realities or the City's current situation. <br /> - <br /> - <br />