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<br /> Mr. Hansen did not think the City would cancel the agreement after AT&T <br /> e invests $2 million. He thought the City would have to work out an agreement. <br /> He said perhaps the agreement should be for three years so that it would be <br /> renegotiated every three years. <br /> Ms. Smernoff said the City originally proposed a six-year agreement, but AT&T <br /> requested a 15-year agreement and had agreed to the proposed ordinance. <br /> Mr. Gleason said the City has a "tickler" file for every agreement that needs <br /> a revi ew. The proposed ordinance puts the City in an advantageous position <br /> because the City can raise the fee or cancel the agreement in three years. He <br /> did not want to list the reasons the agreement might be cancelled because the <br /> City might want to cancel the agreement just to raise the fee. <br /> Ms. Wooten said Mr. Hansen, after hearing the staff comments, indicated he is <br /> willing to accept the wording in the ordinance. <br /> CB 2864--An ordinance granting to the American Telephone and <br /> Telegraph Company, through its interstate division, the <br /> privilege to use the public way to construct and <br /> maintain public communication facilities within the <br /> Ci ty of Eugene. <br /> Ms. Wooten moved, seconded by Mr. Hansen, that the bill be <br /> approved and given final passage. Roll call vote; all <br /> councilors present voting aye, the bill was declared passed (and <br /> e became Ordinance No. 19369). <br /> III. PLANNING COMMISSIONS'S RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br /> STATEMENT FOR THE 6TH/7TH EXTENSION PROJECT (memo, background <br /> information distributed) <br /> City Manager Micheal Gleason introduced the agenda item. Planning Director <br /> Susan Brody gave the staff report. She said the Planning Commission recom- <br /> mended that the City Council recommend Alternative #1 with some modifications <br /> to the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). <br /> Ms. Brody said the Planning Commission received written and oral testimony <br /> from 24 people. Thirteen people preferred Alternative #1, two people <br /> preferred Alternative #2, two people preferred a no-build option, two people <br /> preferred a Roosevelt Freeway which was not included in the draft Environ- <br /> mental Impact Statement, two people preferred the 5th/7th couplet, and three <br /> people did not state a preference. She said the planning commissioners <br /> recommended Alternative #1 be shifted north along the railroad tracks, west of <br /> Terry Street, to respond to testimony about the west end of the project. The <br /> commissioners recommended that an elevated roadway be considered on the east <br /> end of the project in response to testimony about that part of the project. <br /> She said the commissioners did not hear as much testimony as the councilors <br /> did about impacts on the east end of the project. <br /> e <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council December 16, 1985 Page 3 <br />