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<br /> Ms. Brody said the Planning Commission recommended the project construction <br /> e include provision for the Amazon/Fern Ridge Bikeway, and mitigation and <br /> protection for the wetlands. She said the commission received testimony from <br /> the Citizen Advisory Committee which favored Alternative #1 with an elevated <br /> section in the east. <br /> Dorothy Anderson, President of the Planning Commission, said the Planning <br /> Commission recommended an elevated section in the eastern part of the highway <br /> to mitigate the impacts of the project on local circulation and areas in that <br /> industrial area. The commission did not recommend the 5th/7th couplet because <br /> the Environmental Impact Statement indicated the impacts would be bad. <br /> Answering a question from Mayor Obie, Dorothy Anderson said the possibility of <br /> moving the alignment of Alternative #1 north was not included in the testimony <br /> of the Citizen Advisory Committee. She said the Planning Commission tried to <br /> find a perfect alignment and finally decided there isn't one. <br /> Answering questions from Ms. Wooten and Mayor Obie, Mr. Gleason and Public <br /> Works Director Chris Andersen reviewed the process for getting the project <br /> approved so that an election can be held in March of 1986. They said voters <br /> must be presented a specific alignment and the election must be designated 34 <br /> days in advance. The alignment presented to the voters must be recommended by <br /> ODOT because, if it is different, another election will have to be held. The <br /> 6th/7th extension will use Federal funds which will be administered by the <br /> State. Federal law requires an Environmental Impact Statement to ensure that <br /> the environmental impacts of the project were considered before an alignment <br /> was chosen. ODOT cannot recommend an alignment until the draft EIS has been <br /> e reviewed and all comments and testimony have been analyzed and responded to. <br /> Ms. Wooten said the council was told there will be flexibility in the design <br /> of the 6th/7th extension. She wondered if the councilors will be included in <br /> the design phase as they were when 6th and 7th avenues were widened. <br /> Answering questions about the difference between the design phase of a project <br /> and the alignment phase, Ms. Andersen said the alignment phase indicates the <br /> location of affected properties. Mr. Gleason said the alignment is concep- <br /> tual. An agreement on an alignment must be made before the design phase of a <br /> project can begin. The full impact of a project is realized during the design <br /> phase. Then, specific impacts on specific properties are considered and <br /> right-of-way acquisition begins. ODOT will spend $2 million on the design <br /> phase of the 6th/7th extension. The City will be involved and impacts can be <br /> mitigated then. The 6th/7th widening project was different because the <br /> right-of-way already existed. <br /> Reviewing the process, Ms. Schue said a draft Environmental Impact Statement <br /> was prepared by ODOT. ODOT would like a recommendation from the City Council <br /> before it holds a public hearing on the project. After the hearing, ODOT will <br /> prepare a final Environmental Impact Statement for a specific route. Eugene <br /> voters can then be asked to approve the route. If that procedure is not <br /> followed, there could be trouble with the Federal regulations. <br /> Answering questions from Mr. Hansen, Ms. Andersen said the draft Environmental <br /> Impact Statement identifies environmental impacts in a broad area and in the <br /> specific alignments identified by the Citizen Advisory Committee and the <br /> e staff. Those alignments are Alternatives 1, 2, and 2A. Other alignments <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council December 16, 1985 Page 4 <br />