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<br />Public hearing was apened. <br /> <br />Annabel Kitzhaber, 1892 West 34th Avenue, president af the League af Wamen Vaters, 4It <br />strangly supparted appraval af the applicatian as prepared and the priarities <br />autlined, with greatest emphasis an hausing and the cammunity's central areas. <br />The anly regret, she said, was that the amount af maney available was sa small. <br />She expressed appreciatian to. the Task Farce members far sa much af their time <br />in preparing the applicatian. <br /> <br />lane Pierran, 1360 Ferry Street, also. cammended members af the Task Farce far <br />their wark. She asked the Cauncil to. give cansideratian to. recammendatians <br />made at Task Farce hearings that same af the cammunity develapment funds be ear- <br />marked far the West University Neighbarhaad. The WON thaught same af the funds <br />shauldbe used to. purchase praperty far use as a neighbarhoad center in that area, <br />preservatian of an histaric landmark, and develapment af a neighbarhaad park. <br />She said the WON felt they had nat received adequate attentian in the planned <br />use of funds. <br /> <br />Public hearing was cla~sed, there being no. further testimany. <br /> <br />Cauncilman Murray explained that maney was allawed far histaric preservatian if <br />the supplemental funds were received. If supplemental funds were nat allawed, <br />he said, all thase items listed in the secand level af funding wauld have <br />priarity rating in the secand year af the pragram. Also., the prapasal far a <br />neighbcirhaad center in the West University area was carefully cansidered. <br />No. specific actian was taken, he said, but that did nat specifically pre- <br />clude its cansideratian in later funding since the need far a cammunity center <br />in that neighbarhaad was recagnized. With regard to. develapment af parks in ~ <br />neighbarhaad areas, he said, funds wauld be set aside in the secand level af <br />funding far that type af develapment if supplemental funds became available. <br />Mr. Murray gave recagnitian to. the cantributian af ather Task Farce members <br />in warking aut the prapasal to. be submitted. <br /> <br />My. Murray maved secanded by Mr. Hamel to. adapt the applicatian as <br />presented and instruct staff to. prepare the apprapriate resalutian <br />for cansideratian at the March 24, 1975 Cauncil meeting. <br /> <br />Cauncilman Hamel felt the Willakenzie area, which he represents, was very badly <br />neglected in the prapased distributian af funds. He acknawled~d that bike paths <br />were requested but felt the three days given the newly arganized neighbarhaad <br />graup in that area to. review the prapased applicatian was nat enaugh time to <br />give them opportunity to. submit a cancrete prapasal. Mr. Murray explained pra- <br />visians under the hausing arid apen space and parks sectians which would provide <br />appartunities to. the Willakenzie and Bethel neighborhaods in the second and <br />third years af fund distributian. <br /> <br />Manager inquired abaut $30,000 under hausing sites earmarked for each of the <br />Laurelhill and Crest Drive areas. Jahn Parter, planning director, said funds <br />earmarked for hausing canstructian were being used far site purchases in anticipa- <br />tion afreceiving the smaller amaunt af funding. If additianal funds were re- <br />ceived that would nat have to. be dane. <br /> <br />Vate was taken an the matian as stated. Matian carried, all Council <br />members present vating aye. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />3/10/75 - 4 <br /> <br />J08 <br />