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<br /> Mr. Murray moved seconded .by Mr. Keller to endorse the Comm <br /> application~ Motion carried unanimously. 10/8/75 <br /> Approve <br />O. Zoning Appeal (Howell, Smi th and Brown), - Recommend hearing date be set on this <br />appeal. e <br />. Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mr. Keller to. set. a public hearing for <br />October 27. <br />Mr. Haws pointed out that the appellant did nots,tate any details'relating to <br />the basis of the appeal on the appeal form. He requested they submit additional <br />facts far enough in advance of the public hearing to enable the Council to read <br />it prior to the hearing. There was agreement that the ~terial should be <br />submitted by Wednesday before that Monday night public hearing. <br />Vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. <br />P. Recommendations of HCDC Pertaining to Pending Congressional Action on Tax Exemptions <br />The Housing and Community Development COnmUssion has requested Council to <br />communicate with Congressional representatives on problems created by recent, <br />actions being considered by the Ways and Means Committee on tax shelters as <br />affecting real estate. If passed, some other subsidies will be necessary in <br />connection with private development of multi-family units. It would have a <br />very serious effect on builders in the construction of new multi-family dwellings. <br />Ms. Betty Niven has researched it and out of the HCDC meeting came a recommendation <br />to the City Council that the Housing and Community Development Commission go on <br />record asking the Congress of the united States not to repeal certain tax exemptions <br />which aid in the production of multi-family housing without giving equal <br />consideration to the impact of such a repeal on the supply of housing for lower <br />income households. Because of this impact, federal income tax revenue cannot be e <br />the only consideration; any pb1icy or procedure which will negatively influence <br />the production of housing should have, as part of its structure, alternate plans <br />that will satisfy the needs of middle and lower income households for housing. <br />The motion included a request to the City Council to transmit this recommendation <br />to the Congress. <br />Mr. Williams spoke in favor of the proposed recommendation, particularly as it <br />affects the local lumber industry and as an efficient method for subsidizing housing <br />production. Mr. Murray commented that the BCDC is not intending to say they <br />view tax shelters as necessarily the most appropriate method but it is all there Comm <br />is at present. 10/8/75 <br /> Approve: <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Murray to transmit the recom~endation <br />in the form of a letter under the name of the Eugene city Council, Ivith such <br />revisions as they deem necessary and appropriate. No t ion carried unanimoilsl y. <br />Q.Review of Mall Guidelines and Committee Report - Mr. !1aurie Jacobs reported tha:; <br />the committee had come up with what they felt ~vas a '.'eltj work'Clble soluhoi2, us,ing <br />caution regarding the dollar factor. Parks'Direc.tor explained that it t.'as the <br />comndttee's aim to develop an attractively designed facility on the r:al1 to be <br />used for commercial purposes, that it be used on a temporary bas is- '-' t f,irst I <br />with review as the project goes along. The design has not as yet been <br />resol ved - ERA will be consul ted so that they might review the design to .insu!'e <br />it will be aesthetically acceptable to downtown. <br />Mayor Anderson wondered if discussion had been held on allowing present e <br />businesses to be able to ext~nd their ser~ices and wares into the mall. Mr. <br />Jacobs noted that was discussed, with no feedback as yet as to the extent of <br />10/13/75 - 18 <br /> 54-10 ~ <br />