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<br />(, <br /> <br />Mr. Bradley made a substitute motion to reschedule the <br />flu~ride.issue election for the May, 1978 ballot. <br />Mot10n d1ed for lack of a second. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Obie questioned whether there wasn't a State election <br />.:oming prior to the June 28 local election and whether the <br />1ssue could be placed on that ballot. Manager noted there <br />~as.a.State election on May 17 and he had checked with County <br />off1c1~ls, who have reported that there was serious doubt if a <br />~ocal 1ssue could be added, as State statutes might prohibit <br />1t. <br /> <br />Mr: Haws reque~ted staff to look into information, he had re- <br />ce1ved concern1ng cloud seeding with fluoride. Manager noted <br />that the Governor had lost that battle. <br /> <br />Vote was taken on the motion which passed with all <br />members voting aye, except Mr. Bradley voting no. <br /> <br />Item B.5.--Fluoride issue--Council approved putting on June 28 ballot. <br />PUb,lic testimony was taken on the issue. <br /> <br />Richard Greene, 1651 Grant Street said he supported the Council's action <br />to allow voters to vote early, as he felt this was a very important and <br />urgent issue. <br /> <br />Stephen Brown, 195 East 49th Street, noted that he was a fluoride proponent, <br />and felt the Council was being blackmailed by a small, vociferous group. <br />He said that in the past general election, 20,455 people had voted in favor <br />of fluoride to 19,394 against. He said in the last special elections held, <br />there had been no more than 20,000 votes cast. He felt the issue being placed <br />on a special election would, in effect, disenfranchise the 20,000 people <br />who voted for fluoride. He recognized the legal obligation of the Council <br />to put it on the ballot, but felt it should be placed on the general election <br />ballot in May 1978. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />R. J. Martens, 1457 East 22nd Avenue, thanked the Council for the position <br />it had taken last week. In regard to the blackmail issue, he felt the <br />new,s medi a had impl i ed there was a group organi zed to defeat the Ci ty <br />budget. Me had never, in any group discussions with which he had been <br />involved, seen any organized movement to that end. He felt city services <br />were required and he was going to support the budget. <br /> <br />Jeanne Fox, 60 Fairway Loop, spoke as a local dental hygienist. She noted <br />that in an L-COG dental task force report, the No.2 priority had been <br />given to dental health, with fluoride placed in the water supply to meet <br />that need. She was in favor of putting the issue on a general election <br />ballot where more people would be able to vote for the health measure. <br /> <br />Mr. Haws moved, seconded by Mr. Ubi e. to p I ace U\t:! n uor-l dt! <br />issue on a ballot June 28, 1977, and regardless of the outcome, <br />place the issue on the November 1978 ballot. <br /> <br />Mr. Bradley moved to amend the motion to put the issue on the . <br />general election ballot of May 197R. Oiscussion followed in which the / <br />amendment was ruled out of order. A substitute motion was not <br />lallowable. Mr. Haws and Mr. Obie withdrew their motion. <br /> <br />!". <br /> <br />:305 <br /> <br />4/11/77 - 26 <br />