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<br />. <br /> commented that, if the time commitment is too great, could an alternate <br />e Council member attend. Ms. Benjamin said there might be some practical <br /> prcblems in bringing alternates up to speed. Mr. Haws expressed some <br /> ccncern with staff and Ccuncilers voting together. Mr. Williams <br /> expressed some discomfort with using alternates at all. It removes <br /> the pressure fcr an individual to attend the meeting, he said. Mr. <br /> Baumgartner, Civic Center Director, ccmmented that continuity is <br /> important, as some decisions of the Committee will be extremely technical. <br /> Mr. Hamel moved, seconded by Mr. Delay, to create the project <br /> working committee as staff described in its memo in accordance <br /> with Revised Section 3 of Article II of the bylaws. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Hamel moved, seconded by Mr. Delay, to appreve the rules <br /> of procedure and internal organizaticn as amended. Mction <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> VIII. AMBULANCE RATE INCREASE REQUEST--Memc from Shirley Swenson, Finance <br /> Department, letter to her from Medical Services, Inc., and rate charts, <br /> have been distributed to Council Members. <br /> Ms. Swenson said that, following the last discussicn with Council, she <br /> m~t with Medical Services, Inc. on the matter. She neted that the letter <br /> she has received from them identifies the reasons why they feel their <br /> service is not cemparable to Salem and Medford services. Medical <br /> Services, Inc. has more highly-trained people and work to maintain a <br />e short respcnse time. They have varicus forms of training, as well. <br /> Ms. Swenson said it would not be cost effective to audit the firm's <br /> books every time rates are reassessed. She presented an alternative <br /> suggestion from her previous recommendation, the base fee be increased <br /> frem $59.50 to $65.00, mileage from $2.70 to $3.00, but not increase <br /> other charges fcr ambulance services. On the Mobile Chair, she <br /> recommends that the Mobile Chair rate be increased from $5 to $6 for <br /> the first trip, and that a return trip fee be increased form $2.50 <br /> to $3.00. <br /> Mr. Leonard, Medical Services, Inc., passed out an article reprinted <br /> from Physical Watchdcg in Santa Barbara, California, which says that <br /> paramedic service is far more costly than ordinary ambulance service, <br /> that municipally-run programs are very expensive to the taxpayers, <br /> since only a few persons use it, and that Medical Services, Inc., .of <br /> Eugene, is .one of the largest private firms .of its kind in the country, <br /> and it demonstrates that governments need nct be involved. He also <br /> passed out ccpies of Medical Services, Inc. pclicy statement. He <br /> says they have initiated a Gray Panther disccunt system through Eugene <br /> Parks and Recreation in cooperation with Campbell Senior Center. <br /> They alsc have initiated a transfer service for seniors, cutting <br /> their bills in half. They are alsc helping elderly tc understand <br /> what Medicare is all about. <br />e 10/4/78--5 <br /> ~51 <br />