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<br />-. <br /> ., <br />Charles Strcng, Aging Cemmissicn member, said that as a private citizen <br />he feels that prcviding medical services fcr prefit does not hcld down e <br />medical costs. When ambulance service is needed, no other service will <br />do. He feels the service cculd be provided by a public .organization <br />as increases in rates will continue to be requested. He said it is <br />time tc consider a non-profit public service. <br />Jean Freeman, Aging Commission member, ccmmented that the Commission <br />.on the Rights of Aging voted unanimcusly to .oppose both the Medical <br />Services Request and the Finance Department reccmmendaticn and call <br />for nc increase. She said if a raise in rates is sanctioned, it will <br />put the service farther out of reach fcr mcst seniors. She said the <br />Commission also voted tc request that Council immediately conduct a <br />feasibility study .on implementing a less ccstly ambulance service than <br />the present one. She noted that there are systems in Albany, Oregon, <br />Los Angeles, Califernia, and Seattle, Washingtcn, operated by fire <br />departments and reported to be very cost effective. She alsc ccmmented <br />that on the Gray Panther issue, they issue only a limited number .of <br />cards, and when thcse are used up no more are issued. <br />Mr. Delay referred te the study he did on the issue and said that the <br />.only conclusion he has come to is that City involvement in the rate- <br />setting business puts it in a positien of seeing that the service <br />is satisfactcry and the rates are reascnable. He thinks the infor- <br />maticn given by Mr. Leonard does nct give the City the entire picture. <br />It is true that the increases have outstripped the Consumer Price Index. <br />He is alsc ccncerned that, during a period of time when it is argued e <br />that the increase is necessary, Mr. Leonard has presented a capital <br />expansion prcgram. A question arises whether capital expansion is <br />needed or justified. Mr. Delay said that the expansion of the facilities <br />coincides with present fire station locations, and he thinks that the <br />City shculd explore how to stabilize the rate. Perhaps sharing space <br />could represent a ccst savings. He said there is no rationale that <br />an increase is needed at this time. He says it is also incumbent <br />upcn Council to ccme back by the end of the year with a prcposal for <br />ways to take a look at these questions. <br />Mr. Hamel feel s that the Council shoul d have more input. Mr. Obie <br />said he suppcrts a definitive process fer determining rate increases. <br />He feels that a rate increase should be either refused or accepted at <br />this point, rather than postponed, and that a study shculd take place <br />tc affect next year's increase request. There should alsc be a planning <br />program on joint locatien of services. Mr. Williams said he dces not <br />think that rates can be set without an opinion audit. He supports the <br />formation of a committee to take a look at what it is buying. "You <br />can't dc everything that is desirable because you can't affcrd it," <br />he said. Manager noted that one .other element is that such a task <br />force should be intergovernmental, involving at least Springfield, <br />and possibly Lane County as well. <br /> e <br /> 10/4/78--6 <br /> ~58 <br />