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<br />. <br />~ <br /> Mr. Haws moved, and it was seconded, to implement Mr. Delay's <br />e suggesticn and ask staff te bring back a suggested process and <br /> group to review the issues proposed by Mr. Delay by the end <br /> of the year. Motion carried, all Council members present voting <br /> aye except Mr. Hamel voting no. <br /> Mr. Obie moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, tc adopt staff's <br /> reccmmendations on the increase. <br /> Mayor Keller said a charge for a service is never too much if a life <br /> is saved. He has never received a ccmplaint .on level of service, just <br /> on ccst. He also, at seme future time, wculd like to deal with the <br /> issue .on the Gray Panther disccunts. <br /> Vote was taken on the motion which carried, all Ccuncil members <br /> present vcting aye except Mr. Lieuallen, Mr. Haws, and Mr. Delay <br /> voting no. <br /> IX. BALLOT MEASURES 6 AND 11--Materials have been distributed to Council members. <br /> Paget Engen, Pclicy Analyst, said that tcday's discussion will deal with <br /> how the two measures compare to the present system. Part II, on October 11, <br /> will focus on the impact on the property tax system and .on individual <br /> taxpayers. Part III, on October 18, will focus on the impact on City <br /> resources. Part IV on October 25 will fccus on the impact .on selected <br /> community projects. The language of both ballot measures, as well as <br /> the spread sheets comparing the mesures, are available, sheuld anyone <br />e wish a copy. The spread sheets outlining the ccmparisons between the <br /> three systems shcw general provisions, lecal provisions, and state <br /> prcvisions. The critical thing to remember, Ms. Engen said, is that <br /> constituticnal provisions cannot be changed by the legislature. <br /> Statutory provisions can be changed by the legislature, however. Ms. <br /> Engen described each item on the spread sheets. <br /> As to restricticns on local taxes, Mr. Delay wondered how passage of <br /> Ballot Measure 6 wculd affect all kinds of fees, special assessments, <br /> etc. and indicated that such fees would proliferate. On local bcnded <br /> indebtedness, Mr. Delay wondered how it would affect bond issues when <br /> using property tax as a guarantee against the bond. How can it be kncwn <br /> if it is within the 1.5 percent limitatien? Assistant Manager commented <br /> that is very fuzzy at this point and that the property tax probably <br /> could not be used tc guarantee any further debt under Ballot Measure 6. <br /> A further cemment is that there is a provision in Ballot Measure 11 <br /> that says if both measures pass the higher number of affirmative <br /> votes is in effect and the ether measure is repealed. <br /> X. PUBLIC HEARINGS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED OCTOBER 9, 1978 <br /> A. Appeal of Planning Director's Denial of Miner Partition (Goldstein) <br /> (M 78-96), lccated on south side of East 27th, west of Central Boulevard. <br /> B. Appeal of condition imposed by Planning Department fer Horizon West <br />e First Addition (5 78-12) located on east side of Hawkins Lane, south <br /> of 25th Avenue. <br /> 10/4/78--7 <br /> ~5Cf <br />