Summary of Changes to the FY06 Executive Budget Recommendation
<br /> City of Eugene
<br /> FY06 < ............... Budget Committee Actions ............... > FY06
<br /> Proposed Misc. Reserve for Capital Budget Comm. RECOMMENDED
<br /> Fund / Department Budget Actions Encumbrances Carryover Recommend. BUDGET
<br />
<br />A. General Fund
<br /> Central Services 21,748,429 (10,200) a,b 21,738,229 21,738,229
<br /> Fire and Emergency Medical Services 20,355,152 674,000 c 21,029,152 21,029,152
<br /> Library, Recreation & Cultural Services 17,686,369 155,000 d,e,f 17,841,369 17,841,369
<br /> Planning and Development 6,393,527 10,200 b,g 6,403,727 6,403,727
<br /> Police 35,647,347 413,000 h,i 36,060,347 36,060,347
<br /> Public Works 5,639,935 5,639,935 5,639,935
<br /> Debt Service 274,170 274,170 274,170
<br /> I nterfund Loans 62,500 62,500 62,500
<br /> I nterfund Transfers 3,737,605 3,737,605 3,737,605
<br /> Intergovernmental Expenditures 522,000 522,000 522,000
<br /> Contingency 340,000 340,000 340,000
<br /> Reserve 6,863,300 (781,000) c,e,f 1,170,585 7,252,885 7,252,885
<br /> Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance 17,585,000 17,585,000 17,585,000
<br /> Total 136,855,334 461,000 1,170,585 138,486,919 138,486,919
<br />
<br /> a Increase funding for companion animal spay/neuter vouchers in each of the next three years using an additional 1% of City license fee revenues.
<br /> This motion requires no change to the City of Eugene's Proposed Budget.
<br /> b Increase the Neighborhood Newsletter budget for mailing newsletters to all addresses in the River Road/Santa Clara. Reduce the River
<br /> Road/Santa Clara Transition Manager contract supported by Special Assessment Bond Funds in the Central Services Department by $10,200
<br /> and move the appropriation authority to the Planning and Development Department.
<br /> c Increase the Fire & EMS Department's expenditure authority by $348,000 on an ongoing basis and $326,000 on a one-time basis to staff Station
<br /> #9 with fire fighters beginning January 1,2006. The resource supporting the amendment in FY06 is the transfer to the General Fund of the FY05
<br /> balance in the Airport Marketing Fund on FY06 SB1 and the General Fund's Reserve for Revenue Shortfall.
<br /> d Increase the Library, Recreation and Cultural Services Department's expenditure authority by $125,000 to begin the Cultural Services Comprehensive Plan in
<br /> FY06, using Urban Renewal funds to the extent possible and the Facility Reserve to fund remaining costs. A $62,500 transfer from the Urban Renewal Agency to
<br /> the General Fund and a $62,500 transfer from the Capital Projects Facility Reserve to the General Fund have been established in the Recommended Budget.
<br /> e. Increase the Library, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department's expenditure authority by $30,000 for an ongoing contribution to the Jacob's
<br /> Gallery. The revenue offset for the first two years is the General Fund's Reserve for Revenue Shortfall; thereafter the Cultural Services Subfund.
<br /> f. Reduce pool use fees to FY04 levels and conduct a pilot study to determine whether attendance increases. Any gap in funding should be filled
<br /> by the Reserve for Revenue Shortfall.
<br /> g. Increase Neighborhood Newsletter funding by $50,000 and eliminate the Neighborhood Matching Grant program.
<br /> h. Increase the Police Department's expenditure authority by $35,000 in FY06 and FY07 to hire a consultant to provide ongoing oversight on the
<br /> implementation of the PERF/ICMA recommendations. The resource is a transfer from the General Capital Projects Fund's Facilities Reserve.
<br /> i. Increase Police Department expenditure authority by $378,000 to add appropriate police service, including bike and foot patrol, to serve downtown,
<br /> urban core neighborhoods and parks, especially Monroe, Scobert, Washington & Jefferson, using one-time bridge funding from the Telecom Fund.
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