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Item 3: PH on Ordinance Regarding State Motor Pool Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 11/20/06 Public Hearings
Item 3: PH on Ordinance Regarding State Motor Pool Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change
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6/9/2010 12:45:03 PM
Creation date
11/16/2006 10:45:33 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />destination resorts. <br /> <br />Goal 8 ensures the provision of recreational facilities to Oregon citizens and is primarily concerned <br />with the provision of those facilities in non-urban areas of the state. There are no public or private <br />recreational facilities on or adjacent to the State Motor Pool site. Therefore, the' proposed amendment <br />will not impact the provision of recreational facilities, nor will it affect access to existing or future <br />recreational facilities. Therefore, the amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 8. <br /> <br />Goal 9 - Economic Development: To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety <br />of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon's citizens. <br /> <br />The proposed Plan designation for the subject 1.7 -acre parcel is Commercial. The Administrative Rule <br />for Statewide Planning Goal 9 (OAR 660, Division 9) requires cities to evaluate the supply and <br />demand of commercial land relative to community economic objectives. The 1992 Eugene <br />Commercial Lands Study is acknowledged for compliance with the requirements of Goal 9 and its <br />Administrative Rule. As discussed below, the proposed amendment is consistent with the Eugene <br />Commercial Lands Study. It will have little real effect on the supply of commercial land. The <br />proposed amendment would change the property's plan designation from one that supports limited <br />_ commercial use (High Density Residential/Mixed Use) to another that supports a wider range of <br />commercial uses (Commercial). Both designations would also allow high density residential <br />const~uction. The additional designation of Nodal Development, which does not change the base zone <br />or densities, would not change. As a result, the potential change in the level of commercial use on this <br />1.7 acre parcel would have a relatively insignificant impact on the total supply-of commercial land. <br /> <br />The Metropolitan Industrial Lands Special Study (1991) addresses the industrial land supply. The <br />subject site was not part of the indt;lstriallands inventory; Le., it was not counted as a potential site for <br />future industrial development or as needed to satisfy-the city's 20-year industrial land supply. Lands <br />considered available for industrial uses are typically those which have an Industrial plan designation. <br />The subject parcel does not currently have an Industrial designation (but has an 1-2 zoning). Therefore, <br />the proposed plan amendment (residential to commercial) would have no effect on the supply of <br />available industrial land as predicted by the Industrial Lands Special Study. <br /> <br />The Eugene Commercial Lands Study contains several policies applicable to the proposed amendment. <br />The applicant concludes that that Policies 2.0, 8.0, 17.0 and implementation strategies 17.1 and 17.3 <br />apply (applicant's letter to City July 24, 2006). While the proposal is not inconsistent with those <br />policies, staff does not agree that those policies apply. However, a number of policies in the Study do <br />support a Commercial designation of the subject parcel. Applicable policies are discussed below. <br /> <br />Promote redevelopment of existing commercial areas and compact, dense growth by <br />encouraging businesses to revitalize and reuse existing commercial sites. (Policy 6) <br />The proposed amendment to Commercial would not actively further the reuse and <br />intensification of existing commercial sites, as it opens up a new site to commercial <br />development. However, to the extent that the amendment maintains compact urban <br />development in the downtown core, as anticipated in the Downtown Plan, the proposal is not <br />inconsistent with this policy. The amendment may encourage reuse of a parking lot (a low <br />intensity "industrial" use) into a more compact urban uses, such as retail, commercial, housing, <br />or a combination of these uses. <br /> <br /> <br />r~ ()()! ,~ <br /> <br /> <br />12~2006 <br /> <br />.:'1 <br />
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