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Item 3: PH on Ordinance Regarding State Motor Pool Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 11/20/06 Public Hearings
Item 3: PH on Ordinance Regarding State Motor Pool Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/9/2010 12:45:03 PM
Creation date
11/16/2006 10:45:33 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Promote neighborhood-oriented commercial facilities and community commercial areas rather <br />than additional major retail centers. (Policy 11) <br />The proposed amendment would encourage centralized commercial development in the <br />downtown area rather than in outlying major retail centers, and could promote the development <br />of other commercial areas downtown, such as the adjacent 5th Street Market. On its own, the <br />subject site, at 1.7 acres, is not large enough to support an "additional major retail center." <br /> <br />Concentrate development in existing commercial areas to minimize traffic impacts on the rest <br />of the city. (Policy 12) <br />The subject parcel is located in the downtown core, an area that both the Metro Plan and <br />Downtown Plan refinement plan envision as an area of compact, high density commercial and <br />residential development. The proposed amendment furthers this policy. <br /> <br />Eugene Downtown Plan policies also support a CommerciallNodal Development Designation for the <br />subject parcel (see findings under criterion (3)(b) below for further discussion of applicable Downtown <br />Plan policies. Specifically, Policy 2 in "Building a Downtown" states: <br /> <br />Facilitate downtown redevelopment by re-designating and rezoning underutilized properties, <br />such as surface parking lots, to a commercial land use designation and a commercial zone such <br />as C-2 or C-3. (Policy 2) <br />The existing parking lot is arguably an underutilized area. In addition, the Eugene Downtown <br />Plan identifies the. subject property as a "Downtown Development Opportunity Area" (Map 1). <br /> <br />Approval of a-plan amendment to CommerciallNodal Development is supported by the policies in the <br />Eugene Commercial Lands Study and the Downtown Plan. Based on the above discussion, the <br />amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 9. - <br /> <br />Goal 10 ~ Housing: To provide for the housing needs of the citizens of the state. . <br /> <br />Goal 10 requires that communities plan for and maintain an inventory of buildable residential land for <br />needed housing units. The property ~ffected by the proposed amendments was not included in the <br />supply of land available for residential development, as documented in the adopted 1999 Residential <br />Lands and Housing Study (Ordinance No. 20159,1999). That study excluded from consideration as <br />"buildable land" vacant land that was owned by a public agency and not intended for residential <br />development. The subject property has been in the ownership of the State of Oregon since 1980, <br />according to the applicant. Therefore, changing the land use designation from residential uses will not <br />affect the adopted residential lands inventory. <br /> <br />Based on fact that the amendment would have no effect on the adopted residential land supply, the <br />proposed amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 10. <br /> <br />Goal 11 - Public Facilities and Services: To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient <br />arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development. <br /> <br />The area affected by the amendments has long been located inside the city limits (annexed between <br />1864 and 1900). Adequate access to the City's stormwater system, public wastewater lines, water and <br />power are available to the site. The existing level of public facilities and service is adequate to serve <br /> <br /> <br />
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