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<br />designation(s) and proposed plan designation(s). Empirical data on a wide range of land uses is <br />available from the Trip Generation report published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, <br />which is the industry standard utilized nationwide to determine traffic impacts of development. Once <br />the local government has determined "significant effect," there are a number of remedies for <br />applications that to enable plan amendments to comply with the TPR. <br /> <br />The applicant's original application materials were revised with additional transportation data <br />(submitted on October 10, 2006). The data submitted includes trip generation estimates for allowable <br />uses under the existing HDR designation and for allowable uses under the proposed Commercial <br />designation. These estimates assume the following: that allowable uses under a HDR designation <br />would be ground floor retail with 2 additional floors of residential uses; that allowable uses under a <br />Commercial designation would be ground floor retail with an additional floor of office; and that up to <br />one-half of the parcel area could be covered in structures (with remaining area absorbed by parking, <br />circulation, landscaping, etc.). Staff concurs that these are reasonable assumptions based on the site, <br />current market conditions, and typical zoning requirements. The applicant's trip generation analysis <br />estimates that less than 200 additional weekday trips would be generated by a change from a HDR to a <br />Commercial designation, and approximately 36 additional weekday peak hour trips would be <br />generated under proposed designations. Based on City engineering staffs knowledge of existing traffic <br />volumes and existing roadway capacity, surrounding streets are currently operating at between LOS A <br />and LOS C. Given the traffic volumes anticipated in the applicant's trip generation analysis, staff <br />believes that the proposed designations will not result in a significant impact on the function, capacity <br />or performance standards of these transportation facilities. Therefore, staff finds that the proposed <br />change complies with the State TPR Statewide Goal 12. <br /> <br />Goal 13 - Energy Conservation: To conserve energy. <br /> <br />The proposed plan amendment does not specifically impact energy conservation. Therefore, the <br />proposal is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 13. <br /> <br />Goal 14 - Urbanization: To provide for an orderly and efficient transitionfrom rural to urban land <br />use. <br /> <br />The amendment does not effect the transition from rural to urban land use, as the subject property is <br />already within the City limits. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal 14 does not apply. <br /> <br />Goal 15 - Willamette River Greenway: To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the natural, <br />scenic, historical, agricultural, economic and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette <br />River as the Willamette River Greenway. <br /> <br />The subject property is not within the boundaries of the Willamette River Greenway., Therefore, <br />Statewide Planning Goal 15 does not apply. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />12.20fJ6 <br /> <br />8 <br />