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<br />Goals 16 through 19 - Estuarine Resources" Coastal Shorelands" Beaches and Dunes" and Ocean <br />Resources: <br /> <br />There are no coastal, ocean, estuarine, or beach and dune resources related to the property effected by <br />these amendments. Therefore, these goals are not relevant and the amendment will not affect <br />compliance with Statewide Planning Goals 16 through 19. <br /> <br />(b) Adoption of the amendment ~ust not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. <br /> <br />The Metro Plan diagram amendment to re-designate 1.7 acres of land from High Density <br />Residential/Mixed UseINodal Development to CommerciallNodal Development will not create an <br />internal conflictwith the remainder of the Metro Plan. No text or other diagram changes are necessary <br />to ensure internal consistency with the proposed diagram amendments; adoption of this amendment <br />will not make the Metro Plan internally consistent. <br /> <br />Consistency with Metro Plan policies: <br /> <br />The applicant concludes that" ...findings were made at the time of adoption of the Downtown Plan. <br />The change of the Metro Plan map, when that change is only to make it conform with the text of the <br />adopted refinement plan, and now the Metro Plan, should not require new findings of Metro Plan <br />consistency" (applicant's letter to City June 8, 2006). Staff does not concur with the applicant's <br />conclusion. That the refinement pl~n was earlier found to be consistent with the Metro Plan is not <br />sufficient evidence that the specific plan amendment proposed is consistent with the Metro Plan. Staff <br />presents findings below as evidence that the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment is consistent <br />with the policy direction contained in the Metro Plan. The following Metro Plan polices are applicable <br />to the requ~sted amendment: <br /> <br />Residential Land Use and Housing Element: <br /> <br />Generally locate higher density residential development near employment or commercial services, in <br />proximity to major transportation systems or within transportation-efficient nodes. (Policy A.II) <br /> <br />Encourage residential developments in or near downtown core areas in both cities. (Policy A.19) <br /> <br />The current Metro Plan designation of the parcel is High Density Residential/Mixed UseINodal <br />Development. The Metro Plan also contains the following cautionary statement related to the <br />residential land supply: "While all medium and high density allocations shown on the Metro Plan <br />Diagram may not be needed during the planning period, there protection for these uses is important <br />because available sites meeting pertinent location standards are limited" (pg. II-G-3). However, the <br />proposed amendment has been found to have no actual effect on the buildable residential land supply <br />(as noted in findings for Goal 10 under EC 9.7730(3)(b) above). In addition, the proposed designation <br />of CommerciallNodal Development would accommodate both multi-unit residential and commercial <br />uses. <br /> <br />The applicant claims that a High Density Residential designation is not appropriate for the subject <br />parcel. This is due to the fact that: <br /> <br /> <br />