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Item 3: PH on Ordinance Regarding State Motor Pool Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 11/20/06 Public Hearings
Item 3: PH on Ordinance Regarding State Motor Pool Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change
Entry Properties
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6/9/2010 12:45:03 PM
Creation date
11/16/2006 10:45:33 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />1) The parcel is surrounded by commercial, industrial and office uses (applicant's letter to City July <br />24, 2006 pg. 5). Staff does not agree that this makes the site unsuitable for High Density <br />Residential Uses, which are anticipated in the Downtown Plan and often located within compact <br />commercial centers and next to office uses. The site is also proximate to other housing, parks, <br />and other amenities for residents. <br /> <br />2) The applicant states that the parcel is also not suited for residential uses due to the parcel's <br />configuration. The parcel is only 130 feet deep on the west (Pearl Street) side, with the longest <br />boundary along the railroad (written statement April 13, 2006 pg. 3). It is not clear how this <br />configuration makes the site difficult to develop in high density housing. The site is substantially <br />larger than that &ccommodating the TATE Condominiums on Olive Street or the Aurora Housing <br />building at 11 th Avenue and Oak, for examples. <br /> <br />3) The case is made that the subject parcel is unlikely to develop into high density housing due to its <br />location adjacent to the railroad tracks (written statement April 13, 2006 pg. 3). Noise and <br />vibration from the rail use would conflict with residential use. The application materials also <br />state that affordable housing would be the most likely high density residential use for such a site <br />and, as such, it would not qualify under HUD rules since the noise levels would be deemed <br />unacceptable for residences (State of Oregon letter July 16, 2003 submitted as background). In <br />addition, the applicant concludes that the corresponding high density residential zoning (R-3 or <br />R-4), which would require the development of 30 units on the site and on-site parking, would be <br />difficult for that site. Under the Eugene land use code, a high density residential designation <br />would typically require minimum densities of20-30 unit/acre (however, on-site parking would <br />not be required by the land use c<?de, as the. parcel is located in a Parking Exempt Area (Map <br />9.641 O( 4)(a)). Staff concurs that noise mitigation for residential development in such a location <br />could be costly, particularly the per/unit cost for lower densities. The applicant states that the <br />only commercial development that would be allowed under R-3 or R-4 zoning is neighborhood <br />commercial (C-l) development, which would not be financially feasible (written statement April <br />13,2006 pg. 3). Under the land use code, R-3 or R-4 zoning allows limited, typically C-1-style <br />development. A Commercial designation with commercial zoning would allow a much wider <br />range of commercial uses. . <br /> <br />Whether or not it is likely that the subject parcel would be redeveloped to High Density Residential <br />uses, or how financially feasible it is to do so is not made clear the application. Nonetheless, a diagram <br />change to a CommerciallNodal Development designation is not inconsistent with Metro Plan policies <br />related to residential land use. <br /> <br />Economic Element: <br /> <br />Increase the amount of undeveloped land zonedfor light industrial and commercial uses correlating <br />the effective supply in terms or suitability and availability with the projects of demand. (Policy B.6) <br /> <br />The subject parcel, a small City of Eugene-owned parking area to the northwest, and the EWEB <br />property immediately east of the site are the only sites zoned LIght Medium Industrial (1-2) in this area. <br />None of these are in active industrial use. On the north and west side, adjacent properties are in office <br />use. The 5th Street Market commercial area is to the south. Given these adjacent uses and zoning, it is <br />more likely that there will be a demand for commercial uses, rather than industrial uses, on these <br />properties. <br /> <br /> <br />f) Of) I n. <br /> <br /> <br />L2 ^ 2006 <br /> <br />l. () <br />
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