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<br />"Building a Downtown" policies: <br />Facilitate downtown redevelopment by re-designating and rezoning underutilized properties, <br />such as surface parking lots, to a commercial land use designation and a commercial zone such <br />, as C-2 or C-3. (Policy 2) <br />The proposed zone change furthers this policy direction. Currently, the property is a surface <br />parking lot zoned Industrial (1-2). It is the type of "underutilized" downtown property that this <br />policy was specifically crafted to address. A zone change to Commercial (C-2) would support <br />implementation of this policy. <br /> <br />"Living Downtown" policies: <br />Stimulate multi-unit housing in the downtown core and on the edges of downtown for a variety <br />of income levels and ownership opportunities. (Policy 1) <br />The current industrial zoning of the site does not allow multi-unit housing. A zone change <br />from Industrial (1-2) to Commercial (C2) makes multi-unit housing possible at this site, <br />furthering this policy goal. The parcel is included in the Multi-Unit Property Tax Exemption <br />Area Boundary (MUPTE) and in the Vertical Housing Tax Exemption Zone Area (Map 2), <br />where development qualifies for incentives for high density housing downtown. <br /> <br />Reinforce residential use in neighborhoods abutting the commercial core to help contain <br />commercial activity in downtown and maintain the historic character and livability of adjacent <br />neighborhoods. (Policy 2) <br />The proposed zone change would have a neutral to positive effect on neighborhoods abutting <br />the commercial core. In making additional land available downtown for higher density <br />development, the proposal promotes the containment of higher density housing and commercial <br />uses to the downtown area, preserving surrounding neighborhoods. In doing so, the zone <br />change would be consistent with this policy. <br /> <br />The policies in the Downtown Plan arguably support both high density residential and commercial <br />development of the subject parcel. However, wJ;1ile residential uses on this site would be supported by <br />the Plan, there is strong policy basis for a commercial designation, as noted in B-D Policy 2: <br />"Facilitate downtown redevelopment by re-designating and rezoning underutilized properties, such as <br />surface parking lots, to a commercial land use designation and a commercial zone such as C-2 or C- <br />3. " A C-2 zone does not mandate residential development, but allows a mix of commercial and <br />residential development. Based on the above.discussion, staff finds that the proposed zone change to <br />C-2/ND is consistent with the policies in the Downtown Plan. Further, the zone change will not <br />remove the Transit Oriented Development overlay zone from the subject property, and will add the <br />Nodal Development overlay zone anticipated in the 2004 adoption of the Downtown Plan, all actions <br />that support the compact, mixed use land patterns envisioned in the Downtown Plan. <br /> <br />(3) The uses and density that will be allowed by the proposed zoning in the location of the <br />proposed change can be served through the orderly extension of key urban facilities <br />and services. <br /> <br />The following key urban facilities and services, as defined in the Metro Plan, are currently available to <br />the subject property, or can be extended in an orderly and efficient manner to serve future <br />development: wastewater service, stormwater service, water service, fire and emergency medical <br />services, police protection, city-wide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, <br />communication facilities, and public schools on a district-wide basis. Details related to <br /> <br /> <br />p()() I ,'^ <br /> <br /> <br />12^2006 <br /> <br />1. 2 of ] -3 <br />