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Item 3: An Ordinance Concerning Transportation System Maintenance Fees
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 11/27/06 Meeting
Item 3: An Ordinance Concerning Transportation System Maintenance Fees
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6/9/2010 12:42:59 PM
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11/21/2006 3:22:44 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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(e) The city manager, on the basis of his or her investigation and the <br />comments of interested persons, shall approve, modify or disallow the proposed fee <br />by order. The order shall contain written findings and conclusions based on the <br />standards set forth below. The city manager shall mail copies of the order to all <br />persons who have submitted written or oral comments on the charge or who have <br />requested a copy of the order. The city manager shall also provide copies of the order <br />to the mayor and city councilors. Unless reviewed by the council, the order is final on <br />the eleventh day after it is signed by the city manager. <br />(f) At the request of a majority of the members of the council made within <br />ten days of the city managers order, the order, or any part thereof, shall be reviewed <br />= <br />by the council. The council may conduct a public hearing on the proposed fee or <br />review the order solely on the basis of the administrative record before the city <br />manager. After this review, the council shall approve, modify or disallow the <br />proposed fee. <br />(2) Ratemaking standards. <br />(a) The TSM fee may be based on a number of components, including a <br />variable trip-rate (use) component, a flat base component and a flat administrative <br />component. <br />(b) The variable trip-rate component shall be based upon the estimated <br />usage of the citys transportation system generated by the use of the premises, taking <br />= <br />into account the amount needed for capital preservation. The charges for use of the <br />city transportation system shall distinguish between residential and non-residential <br />premises, and shall further distinguish between classes of customers, both residential <br />and non-residential, according to estimated usage of the citys transportation system. <br />= <br />Each class of customers shall be assigned an appropriate rate, based on average <br />estimated use of the citys transportation system by customers in that class. The <br />= <br />classes of customers shall include, at a minimum, the following classifications of <br />residential and non-residential customers: <br />1. Residential classifications: <br />A. Single family detached; duplex; triplex; <br />B. Apartment; townhouse or condominium; <br />C. Mobile home space; <br />D. Retirement community; congregate care; <br />E. Group homes. <br />2. Non-residential: <br />A. Low transportation system usage; <br />B. Medium transportation system usage; <br />C. High transportation system usage; <br />D. Education. <br />(c) Estimated usage for each classification of customers shall be based <br />primarily on the estimated number of daily trips generated per dwelling unit, thousand <br />gross square feet, or other unit of measure appropriate to the classification, using the <br />seventh edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, <br />or a later edition of that manual or other comparable professional measurement of trip <br />generation adopted by the city manager by rule adopted pursuant to sections 7.795 <br /> <br />Ordinance - 3 Attachment C to Nov. 27, 2006, Agenda Item Summary <br />
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