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Item 3: An Ordinance Concerning Transportation System Maintenance Fees
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 11/27/06 Meeting
Item 3: An Ordinance Concerning Transportation System Maintenance Fees
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6/9/2010 12:42:59 PM
Creation date
11/21/2006 3:22:44 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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and 2.019 of this code. Estimated usage for each classification may also take into <br />account additional data, including but not limited to pass-by trips, modes of <br />transportation, heavy vehicle usage, transportation strategies that reduce or increase <br />usage of the citys transportation system, targeted traffic studies and trip generation <br />= <br />surveys. <br />(d) The flat base component shall take into account the amount needed for <br />operation and maintenance activities, and shall be assessed at a uniform rate per <br />dwelling unit or per account. <br />(e) The flat administrative component shall be based on the amount <br />needed to recover the costs of administering the TSM fee and shall be assessed at a <br />uniform rate per dwelling unit or per account. <br />(f) In addition to the standards described in subsection (2)(a) – (e) of this <br />section, in developing or amending the rates, the city manager shall consider the <br />following: <br />1. The amount charged for such service in the past; <br />2. The amounts charged or proposed to be charged by other <br />providers for comparable purposes; <br />3. The revenue needed for the purposes listed in subsection (2) of <br />section 7.750 of this code, taking into account all other revenue available for <br />these purposes; <br />4. Other relevant adopted policies of the council; <br />5. The terms of any applicable intergovernmental agreement <br />relating to the citys transportation system; and <br />= <br />6. Applicable federal or state regulations or conditions imposed <br />as part of a federal or state grant or financial assistance agreement. <br />(g) The city manager may provide, by rule, for a list of specific premise <br />characteristics that the city manager has determined correlate with an increase or <br />decrease in usage of the transportation system. The rule shall include the degree to <br />which a fee will be adjusted for each specific premise characteristic. The list may <br />include, but is not limited to, the number of licensed drivers at a residence, size of a <br />residence, and trip-reduction strategies including Lane Transit District group pass <br />program participation if such strategies are demonstrated to be effective. <br /> <br />7.770 Charges - Adjustments. <br />(1) Any person responsible or the city manager may initiate a review of a charge to <br />determine if there is a basis to modify the charge. The person responsible may apply to the city <br />manager for a modification of the charge, and, if applicable, a credit for any excessive charges paid <br />during all or part of the 12 months preceding the application. The application shall be on a form <br />provided by the city and shall be accompanied by the fee set by the city manager under section 2.020 <br />of this code. The city manager shall approve or deny the application using the procedures and criteria <br />set forth in this section. A review initiated by the city manager shall not require an application or fee <br />from the person responsible. <br />(2) The charge shall be modified, and the appropriate credit given, if the city <br />manager finds that: <br /> <br />Ordinance - 4 Attachment C to Nov. 27, 2006, Agenda Item Summary <br />
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