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Item 3: An Ordinance Concerning Transportation System Maintenance Fees
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 11/27/06 Meeting
Item 3: An Ordinance Concerning Transportation System Maintenance Fees
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6/9/2010 12:42:59 PM
Creation date
11/21/2006 3:22:44 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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(a) Actual usage of transportation system generated by the use of the <br />premises differs from estimated usage to an extent that actual usage corresponds to <br />the usage in a different customer class; <br />(b) An error has been made in identification of the use or uses of a <br />premises that affects the customer class assigned to the premises; or <br />(c) An error has been made in calculating the number of dwelling units, <br />thousand gross square feet, or other units of measure of the premises. <br />(d) An error has been made in adjusting an individual fee pursuant to <br />subsection (2)(g) of section 7.765 of this code. <br />(3) Any modification given under this section shall continue until the city manager <br />determines the premises no longer qualifies for the modification given. If the city manager determines <br />the premises no longer qualifies for the modification, written notice of that determination shall be <br />given to the person responsible. The city managers determination may be appealed as provided in <br />= <br />section 2.021 of this code. A copy of the decision on appeal shall be mailed to the applicant, parties <br />who have requested a copy, and, if a reduction or elimination is ordered, to the billing agency. <br /> <br />7.775 Charges - Collection and Payment. <br />(1) The city manager shall certify the TSM fees to be collected. Collection shall be <br />performed by the city manager or any person or entity with whom the city manager contracts to <br />perform those duties. <br />(2) The TSM fee shall be imposed on a monthly basis or as otherwise provided by <br />rule. <br />(3) The person responsible for each premises shall be responsible for paying the <br />charges. <br />(4) Each person responsible for a premises shall be notified at least once annually <br />of the rate or the amount of the charge and the allocation of revenue expected from application of the <br />charge. <br /> <br />7.780 Charges – Delinquencies and Cost of Collection. <br />(1) The city manager or contracted person or entity collecting the charges shall <br />enforce the collection of fees by any means of collection provided by the laws of the state and <br />permitted by the charter and ordinances of the city. Any fee due which is not paid when due may be <br />recovered in an action at law by the city. <br /> (2) In the event any suit or action is instituted to enforce this section, if the city is <br />the prevailing party, the city shall be entitled to recover from the person sued reasonable attorneys <br />= <br />fees at trial or upon appeal of such suit or action, in addition to all other sums provided by law. <br /> <br />7.790 Administrative Regulations and Methodology. The city manager may adopt and <br />amend such rules and methodologies as are necessary for the administration of the duties required by <br />sections 7.750 through 7.790 of this code, as provided in section 2.019 of this code. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Ordinance - 5 Attachment C to Nov. 27, 2006, Agenda Item Summary <br />
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