<br />doptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />A
<br />3,002,393(1,111,146)1,891,247
<br />a
<br />L
<br /> Interovernmental3,759,7651,396,1745,155,939
<br />g
<br />d
<br /> Charges for Services24,100024,100
<br /> Miscellaneous886,0000886,000
<br /> Interfund Transfers0235,000235,000
<br />c
<br /> Fiscal Transactions1,590,00001,590,000
<br />Total Revenue6,259,8651,631,1747,891,039
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES9,262,258520,0289,782,286
<br />.
<br />Department Operatin
<br />g
<br /> Central Services4,00004,000
<br /> Planning and Development4,534,025598,2635,132,288
<br />a,c,d,e
<br />Total Department Operatin4,538,025598,2635,136,288
<br />g
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Proects400,0000400,000
<br />j
<br /> Capital Carryover204,264(167,090)37,174
<br />b
<br />Total Capital Projects604,264(167,090)437,174
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Interfund Transfers66,000066,000
<br /> Misc. Fiscal Transactions4,053,96988,8554,142,824
<br />a,c
<br /> Balance Available000
<br />a,b,d,e
<br />Total Non-Departmental4,119,96988,8554,208,824
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS9,262,258520,0289,782,286
<br />170 Community Development Fun
<br />d
<br />a) Decrease the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by $1,111,146, decrease low income home
<br />and development loan appropriation by $281,145, decrease Planning and Development operating
<br />appropriation by $6,721 and decrease Balance Available by $823,280. The changes bring the FY07
<br />Budgeted Beginning Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY06 actual revenues and
<br />expenditures as determined by Grove, Mueller & Swank P.C., the City's external auditor.
<br />b) Reconcile the Capital Carryover estimate by decreasing the capital carryover by $167,090, and
<br />increasing Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />c) Recognize $235,000 in transfer revenue from the Low Income Housing Fund, reduce $135,000
<br />in Planning and Development operating appropriation, and increase development loan
<br />appropriation by $370,000 for the dispersement of a loan to the Metropolitan Affordable Housing
<br />Corp. for the WestTown on 8th project.
<br />d) Reappropriate $1,396,174 in FY06 CDBG and HOME grant revenue for WestTown on 8th and
<br />Turtle Creek projects, increase Planning and Development operating appropriation by $1,370,409
<br />and increase Balance Available by $25,765 to adjust grant funding levels to match expected
<br />resources.
<br />e) Decrease the Planning and Development Departmen's operating appropriation by $630,425 to
<br />reconcile the amount estimated for payment of obligations incurred but not paid in FY06 to the
<br />actual amount paid and increase Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />