180 Library, Parks, and Recreation Special Revenue Fund
<br />FY07FY07FY07
<br />doptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />A
<br />L1,855,942113,5261,969,468
<br />a
<br />L
<br /> Miscellaneous195,97550,000245,975
<br />b
<br />Total Revenue195,97550,000245,975
<br />TOTAL RESOURCE2,051,917163,5262,215,443
<br />S
<br />Department Operating
<br /> Library, Rec & Cultural Svcs115,84559,000174,845
<br />b,c
<br />Total Department Operating115,84559,000174,845
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects55,000055,000
<br />c
<br /> Capital Carryover250,661(33,508)217,153
<br />d
<br />Total Capital Projects305,661(33,508)272,153
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Reserve1,524,01247,416 1,571,428
<br />a
<br /> Balance Available106,39990,618197,017
<br />a,c,d
<br />Total Non-Departmental1,630,411138,0341,768,445
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENT2,051,917163,5262,215,443
<br />S
<br />180 Library, Parks, and Recreation Special Revenue Fund
<br />a) Increase the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by $113,526, increase Balance Available by $66,110,
<br />and increase Reserves per requirements of donation agreements by $47,416. The increases bring the FY07
<br />Budgeted Beginning Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY06 actual revenues and expenditures
<br />as determined by Grove, Mueller & Swank P.C., the City's external auditor.
<br />b) Recognize $50,000 in additional donations from the Friends of the Library and appropriate it for expenditure
<br />in FY07.
<br />c) Allocate $9,000 to cover wireless internet costs at all three Library locations for FY07 and decrease
<br />Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />d) Reconcile the Capital Carryover estimate by decreasing the capital carryover by $33,508 and increasing
<br />Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />