510 Municipal Airport Fund
<br />FY07FY07FY07
<br />doptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />A
<br />L12,631,66(3,356,6399,275,02
<br />2)3
<br />a
<br />L
<br /> Intergovernmental3,740,107,713,6811,453,78
<br />088
<br />c,f
<br /> Rental3,286,19403,286,194
<br /> Charges for Services3,793,9903,793,99
<br />33
<br /> Fines/Forfeitures6,00006,000
<br /> Miscellaneous326,3880326,388
<br />Total Revenue11,152,6757,713,68818,866,363
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES23,784,334,357,0428,141,38
<br />796
<br />Department Operating
<br /> Fire/Emergency Medical Svcs690,5380690,538
<br /> Police367,8880367,888
<br /> Public Works4,601,87640,2814,642,157
<br />a,d,e
<br />Total Department Operating5,660,30240,2815,700,583
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects4,864,0003,059,5397,923,539
<br />b,c
<br /> Capital Carryover6,944,630(606,598)6,338,032
<br />b
<br />Total Capital Projects11,808,6302,452,94114,261,571
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Debt Service1,052,76201,052,762
<br /> Interfund Transfers297,0000297,000
<br /> Reserve 3,902,695(1,000,000)2,902,695
<br />c
<br /> Reserve for Encumbrances000
<br /> Balance Available1,062,9482,863,8273,926,775
<br />a,b,d,e,f
<br />Total Non-Departmental 6,315,4051,863,8278,179,232
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS23,784,334,357,0428,141,38
<br />796
<br />510 Municipal Airport Fund
<br />a) Decrease the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by $3,356,639, decrease Balance Available by $3,353,961, and
<br />decrease the Public Works Operating appropriation by $2,678. These adjustments bring the FY07 Budgeted Beginning
<br />Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY06 actual revenues and expenditures as determined by Grove,
<br />Mueller & Swank P.C., the City's external auditor.
<br />b) Decrease the capital carryover by $606,598, decrease the capital appropriation by $2,043,922 and increase
<br />Balance Available by $2,650,520. This adjustment reconciles the FY07 Capital Carryover Estimate to the actual ending
<br />FY06 capital projects balance and carry forward.
<br />c) Recognize $4,103,461 in intergovernmental revenue, decrease reserves by $1,000,000, and appropriate $5,103,461
<br />for capital projects to acquire two jet bridges and expand air cargo facilities. Funded by PFC and grant revenues.
<br />d) Appropriate $120,913 for Airport marketing and airfield maintenance activities and reduce Balance Available by the
<br />same amount.
<br />e) Decrease the Public Works Department operating appropriation by $77,954 to reconcile the amount estimated for
<br />payment of obligations incurred but not paid in FY06 to the actual amount paid and increase Balance Available by the
<br />same amount.
<br />f) Re-budget revenues of $3,610,227 for externally funded Airport projects and increase Balance Available by the sam
<br />e
<br />amount.
<br />