520 Parking Services Fund
<br />FY07FY07FY07
<br />doptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />A
<br />9,728,522(3,644,5766,083,94
<br />L)6
<br />a
<br />L
<br /> Intergovernmental04,000,0004,000,000
<br />e
<br /> Rental517,8100517,810
<br /> Charges for Services2,952,53002,952,530
<br /> Fines/Forfeitures1,035,8001,035,80
<br />00
<br /> Miscellaneous90,407090,407
<br /> Interfund Transfers07,5007,500
<br />g
<br />Total Revenue4,596,5474,007,5008,604,047
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES14,325,06362,9214,687,99
<br />943
<br />Department Operating
<br /> Central Services447,0650447,065
<br /> Planning and Development2,755,119(35,655)2,719,464
<br />f
<br /> Public Works108,9490108,949
<br />Total Department Operating3,311,133(35,655)3,275,478
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects450,000(95,000)355,000
<br />d
<br /> Capital Carryover7,643,500(37,180)7,606,320
<br />b
<br />Total Capital Projects8,093,500(132,180)7,961,320
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Debt Service660,6040660,604
<br /> Interfund Transfers664,5000664,500
<br /> Reserve 982,113289,2131,271,326
<br />c
<br /> Balance Available613,219241,546854,765
<br />a,b,c,d,e,f,g
<br />Total Non-Departmental 2,920,436530,7593,451,195
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS14,325,06362,9214,687,99
<br />943
<br />520 Parking Services Fund
<br />a) This action decreases the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by $3,644,576 and decreases Balance Available by
<br />the same amount. The adjustment brings the FY07 Budgeted Beginning Working Capital in compliance with the audited
<br />FY06 actual revenues and expenditures as determined by Grove, Mueller & Swank P.C., the City's external auditor.
<br />b) This action decreases the capital carryover by $37,180 and increases Balance Available by the same amount. This
<br />adjustment reconciles the FY07 Capital Carryover Estimate to the actual ending FY06 capital projects balance and carry
<br />forward.
<br />c) This action decreases Balance Available by $289,213 and increases the Debt Service Reserve by the same amount to
<br />meet internal covenants.
<br />d) Reduce excess capital by $95,000 and increase Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />e) Reappropriate URA payment of $4,000,000 for East Broadway Garage project and increase Balance Available by the
<br />same amount.
<br />f) This action decreases the Planning and Development Department operating appropriation by $35,655 to reconcile the
<br />amount estimated for payment of obligations incurred but not paid in FY06 to the actual amount paid and increases
<br />Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />g) Recgonize $7,500 transfer from the General Fund for Eugene Celebration free parking in garages reimbursement. City
<br />Council approved on 8/14/2006.
<br />