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Ms. Bettman said she would support the motion as the best way to ensure that replacement housing was of a <br />better quality than the housing it replaced. <br /> <br /> The motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner asked staff to provide an update on the status of the vertical housing code, which was rejected <br />by Lane County. He said it appeared that Lane County did not have jurisdiction to disapprove the code. <br />Mr. Weinman said the code had been submitted to the State and staff understood it had been approved. <br /> <br />C. WORK SESSION: Millrace Alternatives and Financing Direction <br /> <br />Planning and Development Director Tom Coyle said the issue before the council was a continuation of a <br />policy discussion relating to implementation of the Courthouse District Plan. He said the plan cited the need <br />for direction relative to improvement for a Millrace feature in the downtown area. He introduced Robin <br />Hostick, a landscape architect with Public Works, who had developed two design options that would satisfy <br />the goal of the courthouse district plan. He said the City had critical improvement projects related to the <br />courthouse district that were pending resolution of the Millrace design issues. <br /> <br />Mr. Hostick distributed maps and drawings for the two options for Millrace improvements. He said the first <br />option was for full daylighting of the Millrace from the intersection of Broadway and Mill Street and <br />continuing through the courthouse district to the river. He said the general nature of the improvement was <br />that of a public amenity that was surrounded by development over time. He stated he had researched the <br />opening of waterways in several other communities. He said the Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas was a <br />good example of a successful project. He said factors that contributed to its success were: <br /> <br /> · It was developed over time <br /> · It was organic, with many different aspects <br /> · People were down next to the water rather than looking down into a water feature <br /> · It crossed through city blocks rather than being on the edge of a street <br /> · It included diverse activities generated by private enterprise <br /> <br />Mr. Hostick illustrated on a map the proposed daylighted Millrace route through the blocks in the <br />courthouse district and noted that another key to success was to provide access by lowering the area <br />adjacent to the Millrace one building level. He said a building adjacent to the Millrace would have street <br />level access and Millrace level access and lowering the level would also capitalize on pedestrian access from <br />downtown by avoiding the need to cross streets. <br /> <br />Mr. Hostick said that the second option, Millrace Waters, created public spaces in the redeveloped <br />neighborhood that evoked the idea of the Millrace without fully daylighting it. He illustrated on a map the <br />four locations where water features would lead to the river through the courthouse district. He provided <br />examples of water features that evoked a gateway and human use of water. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner remarked that he had some concerns about the full daylighting option, but did not like the <br />second option to create four water features. He said his concerns about the daylighting option were focused <br />on the level of funding required and the loss of land, but was willing to support that option if a point was <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 10, 2003 Page 7 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />