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CC Minutes - 11/10/03 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/10/03 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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identified at which the project would be abandoned if requests for funding at the federal, state, and local <br />levels were denied. He said he did not want to reserve in perpetuity the swath of land through the court- <br />house district that would be required for daylighting the Millrace. He added that the daylighting proposal <br />could raise questions about the proposed starting point at Broadway and Mill Street and the fact that a <br />portion of the Millrace would not be daylighted. He asked staff for an analysis of the point raised by the <br />Planning Commission regarding the environmental problems presented by daylighting and for a cost <br />estimate. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman agreed with Mr. Meisner's request for additional information. She also raised the issue of <br />pollution in the Millrace impacting the river and salmon, which might bring other resources to the project. <br />She said the cost of $6 million for the second option to create water features seemed unjustifiable and was <br />less likely to be supported by the community than daylighting an historical Millrace, which, if supported by <br />the community, could be funded through a bond measure. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman commented that the daylighting option could possibly fulfill multiple objectives by providing a <br />pedestrian connection to the district, potentially leveraging economic development funds along with other <br />resources and a bond measure, and accommodating the General Services Administration's (GSA) desire for <br />pedestrian infrastructure. Kurt Corey, Public Works Director, replied that he was hesitant to state that a <br />walking path along a daylighted Millrace would fulfill GSA objectives. He said the below-street level <br />envisioned for a daylighted Millrace would entail getting up and down to access the water and could be <br />considered additional pedestrian access through the courthouse site, but not the primary pedestrian access to <br />the redeveloped area. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman remarked that it appeared daylighting was the only option for a vision the community was <br />likely to support through a bond measure and was an amenity to development in the redevelopment area. <br />She said if brought to fruition, the project could provide a long-term benefit to the community. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly expressed appreciation for the comments from other councilors supporting the larger vision of <br />daylighting the Millrace and endorsed the idea that there should be a point at which the project should be <br />abandoned if funding could not be obtained. He agreed that while the pedestrian access along a daylighted <br />Millrace might not meet GSA requirements, it was a great pedestrian connection through redevelopment, <br />particularly the route beneath the railroad tracks. He remarked that the San Antonio Riverwalk was also <br />below street level and worked very effectively to connect people to businesses with a series of stairways, <br />ramps, and visual connections. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly said daylighting the Millrace was a big vision, a big attractor that could spur redevelopment, and <br />potentially a symbol for downtown. He said one of the businesses the council should be in, occasionally, <br />was dreaming big and the daylighted Millrace was a big dream. He complimented Mr. Hostick for his work <br />on the Millrace options. He urged the council to give direction to the staff to pursue the full daylighting <br />option and agreed with Ms. Bettman's suggestion that other funding sources could be available to support <br />the project. He added that community fundraising from the private sector was also a possibility. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson echoed Mr. Kelly's remarks about fundraising and financing options for the project. She <br />expressed reluctance to approach the voters at the present time to request money for a Millrace project when <br />there were urgent needs related to public safety and transportation. She said the daylighted Millrace could <br />benefit both residents and visitors and stated she was glad to see such a vision for the community. She <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 10, 2003 Page 8 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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