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asked the council to give further thought to how the private sector could be involved in a financing package <br />because the properties adjacent to the Millrace could benefit tremendously by the feature. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson asked Mr. Hostick to further explain his comments about the development of the San <br />Antonio Riverwalk over time and in an organic way. Mr. Hostick replied that the Riverwalk was originally <br />developed as a creek redevelopment project. He related that in the 1930s a stormwater conveyance was <br />redeveloped as an open space system for the community and in the 1970s impetus came from adjacent <br />businesses to find the funds to improve the area. He said a community board was established to raise funds <br />and, over the next 30 years, the project continued to evolve, with new development and redevelopment of <br />existing building ongoing. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson questioned whether there was potential for incremental development of the project and what <br />the implications would be. She said that the environmental issues raised before the Planning Commission +3 <br />created the potential for a demonstration project for environmental solutions that would show how general <br />runoff from streets in an urban setting could be treated. She stated an interest in pursuing that possibility. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor concurred with previous comments from other councilors and agreed that the Millrace was a <br />beautiful dream. She said accomplishments started with dreams and thought the project could lead to <br />economic development opportunities and possibly eliminate the need for housing tax breaks in the downtown <br />area because it would be a desirable location in which to live. She said there were many people in the <br />community who were enthusiastic about the project and would be willing to work on it, and she supported <br />the full daylighting option. <br /> <br />Mr. Coyle provided some background on the Riverwalk as a result of his conversations with San Antonio <br />city staff. He said the Riverwalk was initiated as a result of flooding in the area and funding was more <br />easily obtained in a crisis situation. He said the Millrace did not present a threat to property if the <br />improvements were not made and therefore the expectations for public funds should be tempered. He added <br />that San Antonio staff said it was important to lead with private funds to secure other funding, and bringing <br />private funds in behind public funds had not been fruitful. <br /> <br />Mr. Coyle said it was important to remember that as the Courthouse District Plan was implemented, street <br />connections would be made and designs would need to be based on whether or not the Millrace was <br />daylighted. He said those plans would need to be made in a matter of months rather than years, which is <br />why the council's discussion of Millrace options was scheduled. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap~ agreed with Ms. Nathanson's comments about not going to Eugene voters in the next couple of <br />years for a Millrace daylighting project. He asked if the project could be done incrementally as funds <br />became available, even though that could increase the cost and cause complications with regard to streets. <br />He remarked that streets could be designed in anticipation of a feature to be added in the future. Mr. Corey <br />agreed that there was the issue of streets in the courthouse district, but the Millrace project's other impacts <br />were on bridge and railroad track crossings and the implications of constructing the feature adjacent to <br />development that may have already occurred. <br /> <br />Mr. Corey said the $20 million full daylighting option took into account that it was essentially an open piece <br />of ground that lent itself to doing that type of work, but as construction and redevelopment filled in the area, <br />it constrained the ability of contractors to work. He said it would not be impossible to phase the improve- <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 10, 2003 Page 9 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />