Laserfiche WebLink New Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (Active Modes) <br />The growth share for bike and pedestrian facilities is determined based <br />on the planned level of service (LOS) for each facility type. The planned <br />LOS for purposes of this analysis is defined as the quantity of future <br />facilities per capita served. <br />The following equation shows the calculation of the planned LOS for <br />bicycle and pedestrian facility analysis: <br />Existing Q + Planned Q <br />= PlannedLOS <br />Future Population Served <br />Where: <br />Q = quantity (miles of bicycle or pedestrian facilities) <br />The existing and future miles of bicycle and pedestrian facilities are <br />shown in Table B-4, based on the Project List. Population data for the <br />estimated base year and future year (2035) are presented in Table B-5. <br />Table B4 <br />Existing and Future Bike and PedesL-tan Facilities (miles) <br />Table B-5 <br />Population Growth <br />Existing <br />New <br />(Project <br />List)' <br />Future <br />(Total) <br />Shared Use Path <br />43.3 <br />9.5 <br />52.8 <br />Bicycle Facilities <br />160.2 <br />121.4 <br />281.6 <br />Pedestrian Facility <br />223.2 <br />77.4 <br />300.6 <br />' Includes multimodal and stand-alone bicycle and pedestrian projects <br />Table B-5 <br />Population Growth <br />Table B-6 presents the existing and planned LOS for each facility type, <br />based on the existing and planned future facilities presented in Table B-4, <br />divided by the estimated existing and projected population presented in <br />Table B-5. (For purposes of this analysis, population figures are divided <br />by 1,000 in order to show the planned LOS per 1,000 population in Table <br />B-6.) <br />CITY OF EUGENE SDC METHODOLOGIES, APPENDIX B PAGE B-9 <br />Base Year <br />Future Year (2035) <br />Population Growth <br />Population <br />177,332 <br />219,060 <br />41,728 <br />Source: Table 3-1 Transportation System Plan, February 2017 <br />Table B-6 presents the existing and planned LOS for each facility type, <br />based on the existing and planned future facilities presented in Table B-4, <br />divided by the estimated existing and projected population presented in <br />Table B-5. (For purposes of this analysis, population figures are divided <br />by 1,000 in order to show the planned LOS per 1,000 population in Table <br />B-6.) <br />CITY OF EUGENE SDC METHODOLOGIES, APPENDIX B PAGE B-9 <br />