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Eugene, certain types of compact development may receive one or more adjustments to <br />reduce their calculated Transportation SDC. These compact development adjustments fall <br />within one of the following categories, as summarized in Table B-10: <br />• Location -Based <br />o Eugene Downtown Plan boundary <br />o West University Commercial District <br />o Residential or mixed-use development along a key corridor <br />o Nodal development <br />• Transit Proximity <br />o Frequent Transit Network (FTN) <br />• Transportation demand management (TDM) <br />• Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) <br />The location -based and transit proximity compact development adjustments are <br />geographically based adjustments. The areas in which these geographic adjustments may <br />apply are shown on the maps in Appendix B of the Transportation SDC Project Plan. <br />Compact development adjustments: <br />• Shall be applied to the calculated base transportation SDC fee, prior to the <br />application of any credits or impact reductions; <br />• Are cumulative (using the categories listed in Table B-10), not to exceed 100% of <br />the transportation SDC; <br />• May not to be applied to single-family detached or duplex housing; and <br />• Are subject to annual caps. See section 7.3 of General Methodology and section <br />4.4.4, below. <br />4.4.1 Location -Based Compact Development Adjustments <br />There are four types of location -based compact development adjustments. The city <br />will not approve more than one type of location -based compact development <br />adjustment for a development, even if the development meets the criteria for more <br />than one type. <br /> Development within the Eugene Downtown Plan Boundary <br />Development within the boundary of the Eugene Downtown Plan shall be <br />given a compact development adjustment when at least one of the following <br />criteria is met. <br />A. Re -development of Existing Building or Tenant Space with a <br />Use Generally Found in a Shopping Center <br />A 100% reduction to the calculated transportation SDC shall be granted <br />for re -development located within the Downtown Plan Boundary that <br />changes the use of an existing commercial tenant space or building from <br />a use generally found in a shopping center to another use also generally <br />found in a shopping center. <br />For purposes of this adjustment, a "use generally found in a shopping <br />CITY OF EUGENE SDC METHODOLOGIES, APPENDIX B PAGE B-15 <br />