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amendments affect 19 properties abutting a three block section of West Broadway, thereby <br />leaving adequate urban area to locate th-e few autOmobile-serving commercial uses prohibited <br />&v the ~rop~sed ord~)~ance. Adequate pr°visions are included in the amendments t~ avoid <br />Undue hardsh¢ to existing nonco~O[ming bUSinesses and structures. <br /> <br />Therefore, the amendments are consistent with Goal 9. <br /> <br />To provide 3r the housing needs qf citizens of the state. <br /> <br />The proposed antendments will not restr&t housinb Therefore, the amendments are consistent <br />with G~l JO. <br /> <br />Goal ]]- Public Facilities and Services. <br />To Plan~nd develop a time¢ o er¢ and ~[ficient arrangement ¢~ublic faciIities and services <br />to serve as a pameworkfor urban and rural development <br /> <br />Basic urban and transit services are provided to the area by the Ci~ of Eugene and are <br />adequate to serve fua build°ut in the affected area. mere~ore, the3e ~me~)ments are <br />consistent with G~a[ 1L <br /> <br />Goal 12- Transportations. <br />To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic transportation <br /> <br />The amendments (~fect building design and encourage uses within the buildings that promote <br />pedestrian travel within the downtown area. <br /> <br />Tram~ortation Planning Rule (OAR 660-0]2-0060) contains the following requirement: <br /> <br />(]) Amendments to fUnctional ~lan& acknowledged comprehensive plan& and land use <br /> regulations which significantly affect a Wan~portation facility sJ~all assure that allowed <br /> land uses are consistent with the ident~ed function, capacit)5 and performance <br /> C.g. level of service, volume to capaciW ratio, etc.) of the faciliO-- <br /> A plan or land use regulation amendment sign~cantly affects a transportation~gcili~' ~f <br /> it: <br /> <br /> (a) Chw~ges the functional class~cation Qf an existing or planned transportation <br /> facili~: <br /> <br /> ~) Changex mandards implementing a functional class}~cation s3~xtem: <br /> <br /> (c) Allows types or leve& of land uses which wouM result in levels Rf trave[ or access <br /> which are inconsistent with the fimctional classification Rf a transportation <br /> facility; or <br /> <br />Exhibit <br />C:\WiNDOWS\T EMP\.applicable crkefia.wpd <br /> <br /> <br />