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NeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoods <br />Mixed TransitionalMixed TransitionalMixed TransitionalMixed TransitionalMixed TransitionalMixed Transitional <br />Transit CorridorTransit CorridorTransit Corridor <br />Oak SavannahOak SavannahOak SavannahOak SavannahOak SavannahOak Savannah <br />NeighborhoodsNeighborhoodsNeighborhoods <br />Mixed TransitionalMixed TransitionalMixed TransitionalMixed TransitionalMixed Transitional <br />ParksParks <br />Built on Past Planning <br />Envision Eugene is a community-based plan <br />for accommodating new residents and jobs <br />while protecting our quality of life and refl ecting <br />our shared values. A key element of Envision <br />Eugene is a multimodal transportation system <br />that provides mobility and transportation options <br />while supporting compact urban development, <br />sustainability, and a ordable housing. <br />MovingAhead supports Envision Eugene by <br />identifying the most important and cost-e ective <br />investments in multimodal transportation along our <br />major streets. <br />MovingAhead also builds on the hard work of <br />past planning e orts, including: Lane Transit <br />District’s Long-Range Transit Plan; the Eugene <br />2035 Transportation System Plan (Eugene 2035 <br />TSP); and the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization Regional Transportation Plan (RTP ). <br />Project Goals <br />MovingAhead’s ultimate goal is to <br />create a 10-year investment plan for <br />fi ve key corridors in Eugene that will <br />improve safety and accessibility for <br />all modes of transportation - whether <br />walking, biking, using a mobility <br />device, taking the bus, or driving. <br />The project is also dedicated to ensuring that <br />these investments help improve the overall quality <br />of life of our community. To achieve this purpose <br />and meet our community’s needs and values, the <br />work has been guided by a set of overall Goals and <br />Objectives. <br />The Purpose, Needs, Goals, and Objectives <br />for MovingAhead were developed based upon <br />community values that were articulated in existing <br />local policies and previous planning e orts and <br />refi ned through initial project outreach. <br />Goal 1 Improve <br />multimodal transit corridor <br />service <br />Improve transit travel time and reliability, minimize <br />transfers, increase ridership, and improve access and <br />safety for people walking, bicycling, and using mobility <br />devices. <br />Goal 2 Meet current <br />and future transit demand <br />in a cost-e ective and <br />sustainable manner <br />Control costs while increasing transit capacity to meet <br />demand. Leverage funding opportunities that provide <br />a maximum return on investment. Minimize impacts to <br />the environment. <br />Goal 3 Support economic <br />development, revitalization, <br />and land use opportunities <br />for the corridor <br />Support and coordinate with other planned <br />development and transportation projects and provide <br />high-capacity transit that is consistent with the <br />community vision. Minimize impacts to businesses and <br />industry and improve transit so as to provide benefi ts <br />to vehicles, freight, and emergency services. <br />4 | Executive Summary: MovingAhead Alternatives Analysis ReportJuly 15, 2019, Joint Work Session – Item1