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<br />For almost all parcels in the eptire"redesignated'1 area (south of Amazon), this <br />would mean tile LDR designation and R~l zoning that "vas in effect prior to 2006 <br />would apply, thus rendering a Measure 31 waiver meaningless. <br /> <br />.Mr. Hinkley also asserted "it should be extremely difficult to prove. that design <br />standards reduc.ed the value of a piece of property opening tneway for a Measure 37 <br />claim." <br /> <br />There is simply no legal basis for this conclusion. <br /> <br />Measure 37 do~s not distinguish the type of regulation. A design standard, such as <br />maximum building height, that limits what can be developed has equal legal \veighr as <br />a maximum density " standard. "Design" vs.~'densityH is a distinction \'vithout a. <br />difference in the c9ntext of Measure 37 claitns and should have no bearing on the <br />decision at hand. <br /> <br />Gro,vtb Management policies <br /> <br />Mr. Hinkley also submitted testinlony that the proposed amendments do not comply <br />with Eugene Growth Management policies. <br /> <br />SOtaff and the City attorney have correctly found that the Gro\vth Management policies <br />are not part of the approval criteria, and the proposed amend'ments are not required to <br />c.omply with the cited policies. <br /> <br />. Mr. Hi'nkley"s testimony cited the Growth Managetnent section stating that the <br />policies should "guide the \\tork" of City staff. Policies that "guide" \\lork are <br />obviously not necessarily mandatory criteria for approval of a land use action, and the <br />testimony's assertion that the amendments must comply' with Growth Management <br />policies has no legal basis. <br /> <br />As to the policies themselves, Policy 6 is the pivotal policy relevant to the proposed <br />actions, and it clearly directs that City actions maintain the character and livability of <br />individual neighborhoods. <br /> <br />A quick review' of the other policies cited "in testimony makes clear they do not <br />"trump" this requirement. Nor do the proposed amendments c.onflict \vithany of these <br />pol IC ies: <br /> <br />o Policy 1 directs the City to "take actions to increase density ... "This policy does <br />not contain any language restricting other types of actions. <br /> <br />o Policy 2 directs the City to "encourage in-fill..." This policy is aspirational, not <br />proscriptive, and does not contain any language restricting other types of actions. <br /> <br />o Policy 5 directs the City to "Work cooperatively \vith Metro Area partners... to <br />avoid urban spra\\!l ... H This policy is a.spirational~ not prosc.riptive, and does not <br />contain any language restricting other types of actions. <br /> <br />o Policy 6 - "Increase the density! ofne,\! housing development \vhile l11.aintaining <br />the character and livabHityof in,dividual neighborhoods.'~ l'l1i8 policy is <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />111-26 <br />